Vol. 135 No. 23
Accident-Prone -- And
Lethal Doubts rise on the safety of three types of nuclear warheads
American Notes CALIFORNIA
Little Red Riding Hootch
American Notes CONTESTS
Nobody Beats The Wiz
American Notes NATURE
First Crunch, Then Munch
American Notes SAN FRANCISCO
Safe Sex and The Flag
American Notes THE NAVY
Second Look At the Iowa
Daddy's Little Girl
Did eight-year-old Eileen Franklin see her father kill her friend? Or is 29-year-old Eileen Franklin-Lipsker looking for revenge?
Opening Doors for the Disabled
But the handicapped-rights law may harm those it aims to help
Sacrificial Lamb of the Week
Talented Toiletmouth
The Back-to-the-Drawing-Board Directive
The Crime-Does-Too-Pay Award
The Excu-U-U-Se Me Citation
The Morning Line
How the Keating Five are faring
Whose Art Is It, Anyway?
Desperate for an enemy, the radical right accuses Washington of subsidizing obscene, elitist art. The facts paint a different picture
"I Am an Optimist"
Expressing impatience toward his critics and advice for foreign heads of state, Gorbachev sees himself as the leader of a new revolution and a visionary for the end of the century
America Abroad
(The Summit)
The Fear of Weimar Russia
Anger, Bluff -- and Cooperation
(The Summit)
Behind the Sandinistas' stunning election loss in Nicaragua is the secret story of U.S.-Soviet partnership in Central America. George Bush may lack Gorbachev's grand vision, but he and his advisers pr
China One Year Later
The leadership stifles dissent as it tries to put the best face on an unpopular regime
Conflicts Taking the Road to War?
A cleric's assassination raises the temperature as India and Pakistan stumble toward another unwinnable battle
How Many Really Died?
Middle East When Madmen Call the Shots
As Shamir stalls and a massacre reignites the intifadeh, progress toward peace is more urgent than ever
Separatism Is Canada Coming Apart?
Maybe not, but its politicians are playing a dangerous game of chicken over the future of the federation
The Eye of the Storm
(The Summit)
The Men Who Made It All Work
(The Summit)
Pavlov and Aronson each expected the other to be a hard-line old thinker. After a year of tough bargaining, they found they were friends
Three Lives, Then and Now
World Notes MEXICO
Government by Terrorism?
World Notes ROMANIA
Iliescu Wins Big
World Notes UGANDA
Night of the Wild Pigs
World Notes YEMEN
Sheba's Land Together Again
Chubby? Blame Those Genes
Heredity plays the pivotal role in weight control
Do People Get Hooked on Sex?
Psychologists debate how to treat a different kind of "addiction"
When The Lullaby Ends
Should adoptive parents be able to return unwanted children?
A Search for Glitz
The house of Newhouse pursues a winning formula with toughness -- and a revolving door
Oberammergau's Blood Curse
A famous Passion play opens to a chorus of Jewish criticism
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 135, No. 23 JUNE 4, 1990
Burden For Dad, Grief for Son
Ring, Ring: Tokyo Calling
Business Notes DIVESTMENT
Kicking Butts Off Campus
Business Notes RETAILING
From Mergers To Menswear
Business Notes SOFTWARE
New Windows, Same View
Business Notes TELEVISION
Ranch Around The Clock
Feeling A Crunch
A crackdown on loose lending has made credit tougher to get
Money Angles
Charging Up Your Savings
Mountains Of Vile Vials
The U.S. tries to crush the lucrative trade in drug paraphernalia
We Don't Need A Lecture
Why India is balking at U.S. trade pressure
Mathematics Made Easy
A Japanese teaching method adds up in the U.S.
Miracle Workers
Small victories at a New York school
Just For Fun
King Codger
The Disappearing TV Audience
Now the networks have a new mystery to solve
Trials of A Transient Household
Unlaced And Weird on Top
At Cannes, David Lynch slices a poisoned American pie
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Faking It