Vol. 168 No. 24
Bush Looks for an Exit
The President is about to get a very public intervention from the Baker Commission. Will Bush listen to an old family friend, or will stubbornness prevail?
What We Would Leave Behind
If the U.S. goes, the Iraqis won't stop shooting. They'll still have each other
Iraq: The War Without Honors
U.S. troops are fighting and dying with valor. So why have so few received the military's top awards?
What I Did On My Travels
Two weeks of globetrotting gives the President a chance to see the world--and escape from gloating Democrats
Moscow on the Thames
(Letter From London)
Lots of Russians梟ot just spies梐re calling London home.
Losing Lebanon
Once a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, Lebanon is veering toward civil war. Here抯 what went wrong
The Hospital Wars
(Health Care)
Surgery and imaging centers owned by doctors are swiping patients from traditional hospitals. Competition is good, right? Not always in health care, where an arms race keeps the costs rising
Extra: Newspapers Aren't Dead
Some predict their imminent demise, but the dailies remain profitable, popular and powerful. Here's why they'll survive
What's Toxic In Toyland
San Francisco's ban on toys like these has sparked a sharp debate about the dangers of plastic contaminants
Middle America's Crime Wave
Violent offenses are rising in midsize cities for the first time in a decade. A look at what's behind the surge and why it won't be slowing anytime soon
What's Next
Enter The Fandom
A Prayer and an Olive Branch
What's in a Name: Money
The Absurdity of It All
(In the Arena)
How Well do You Know America?
The Abortion Pill Could Prevent Cancer
Bring Back the T. Rex
Crichton's latest scientific nightmare is full of out-of-control geneticists and their mutant creations. Yawn
The Maya Are Us
Mel Gibson's latest film has a lot on its mind
Robert DeNiro in the Director's Chair
In the Heat of the Noir
The Good German is long on style, short on thought
The Civil War Behind "Civil War"
(Culture Complex)
How two words illuminate the shift of power from the media to the people
Why I'm Good with the "N" Word
It does the job of marking the ascendancy of black Americans
7 Books Kids Will Love
(Worth Your Time)
What's the secret of great stories for children? Making sure parents enjoy them too
A New Breast Cancer Test
What's Wrong With This Club?
10 Questions for Charles Rangel
My Person of the Year
To help us make this year's selection, TIME asked cover subjects and previous Persons of the Year for their 2006 nominations. A sampling:
Read the story
God's Inbox
Meet the Real Santas
(Time Bonus Section December 2006: Connections)
Real beards, real bellies. But what kind of guy wants to look like St. Nick?
A Better House Blend
(Time Bonus Section December 2006: Connections)
When the kids are yours, mine and ours, it takes wisdom and work to treat everyone fairly
Q&A: Ms. Manners
(Time Bonus Section December 2006: Connections)
There's nothing funny about rude behavior, says comedian Whoopi Goldberg in a new kids' book
Cooled By Sun And Salt
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Searchlight For the Blogosphere
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
A New Glimpse of Reality
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Connecting The Dots For Sensors
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Linking To Rural India
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Looking To the Future
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Paper batteries? Solar trash cans? Some surprising new tech that could change your life
Find the Bad Protein; Then, Fix It
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Dr. Neil Cashman came up with a diagnostic kit usable by blood banks everywhere to detect VCJD, and approched George Adams to bring it to market
Saving Lives And Limbs With a Weed
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Jarne Elleholm is trying to get a genetically modified weed to grow bigger to potentially save thousands of lives
A Relentless Watch on Your Pulse
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
A black wristwatch may be able to cut heart attacks and stroke globally, and also collect remarkable amounts of data
The Shape Of Things To Come
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
DeepStream Technologies CEO Mark Crosier and his core team created their own business in pliable, flexible sensors
Bringing Sunshine to Trash
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Flat Battery: It Works On Paper
(Time Bonus Section January 2007: Global Business / Tech Pioneers)
Enfucell has a battery that will help people make a difference by cutting down on all the metal, lithium and alkaline that leaks from conventional cells