Vol. 140 No. 9
"The Heart Wants What It Wants"
(Cover Stories)
From his Fifth Avenue penthouse, Woody defends his love for Soon-Yi and heatedly denies allegations of child abuse
And Now the Movie . . .
(Cover Stories)
Scenes From A Breakup
(Cover Stories)
A storied love affair crashes in shards as Mia Farrow accuses Woody Allen of incest and child molestation. For the prurient, it was a delight; for Allen and for Farrow's motley family, a piteous desce
Soon-Yi: Woody Was Not My Father
(Cover Stories)
What Is Incest?
(Cover Stories)
Family Values
(The U.S. Campaign)
The Republican pitch seems cynical, but it goes to the soul of what kind of country Americans want
Fox in The Peacock Coop
Gold Rush in Reverse
(The Week: Nation)
California battles a wildfire in the land of Mark Twain and Bret Harte
Gotcha! The CIA's most embarrassing turncoat is nabbed in Stockholm
(The Week: Nation)
Here Come the Big Guns
(The U.S. Campaign)
After the rhetorical rumbling in Houston, the G.O.P. readies a fierce assault on four policy fronts. Clinton prepares a counterattack, but may be vulnerable on some points
Just Making a Few Repairs
Playing For The Big Bounce
(The Week: Nation)
Bush cuts into Clinton's lead as he rallies his fractious party
Prelude to a Summer Blizzard
(The Week: Nation)
Pulpit Politics
(The U.S. Campaign)
Bush and Quayle once again need the support of evangelical Christians, but this year those voters can turn to two Baptist candidates: Clinton and Gore
Same To You
The Espionage Goes on
The Political Interest
(The U.S. Campaign)
Trouble in Paradise
The Presidency
(The U.S. Campaign)
Hail to the Prisoner
The Veep Bites Back
(The Week: Nation)
Quayle's tough acceptance speech aims for the Democratic jugular
Vox Pop
Was This Stuff on CNN?
Black Protest
(The Week World)
Economic chaos and corruption charges may topple Brazil's Collor
Boxing In Saddam
A ban on Iraqi flights over the southern marshes is the Bush Administration's latest military -- and political -- battle plan
Can Bosnia Be Fixed With a Hammer?
(The Week World)
Military force may be used. But how -- and how much -- is undecided.
Deadly Force
(Middle East)
How Israeli commandos are waging an undercover war in the occupied territories
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
A Long Reign Ends
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
Friendlier Neighbors
Russia For Everyman
(The Week World)
Yeltsin wants to give each citizen $62 worth of the state's assets
You Fly, You Die
(The Week World)
A plan to protect Shi'ites could put a squeeze on Iraq's Saddam
Munich All Over Again?
(The Balkans)
Talks on a settlement in Bosnia sound uncomfortably reminiscent of the 1938 surrender to aggression
Attack of The Superbugs
In the battle against old scourges, magic bullets are losing their power, and invisible legions of drug-resistant microbes are again on the march
Et Cetera
(The Week Health & Science)
Stay Cool
Family Planning Reaches the Forest
(The Week Health & Science)
A contraceptive vaccine could lick the deer overpopulation problem
Space Invader
(The Week Health & Science)
A huge impact 370 million years ago may have killed off most life on earth
The Purge of Battle
(The Week Health & Science)
Some of the Persian Gulf is less fouled than it was before the war
A $500,000 Fragment
(The Week: Society)
Part of Lincoln's pivotal "house divided" speech will be auctioned
Last Flight Of a Legend
(The Week: Society)
After 13 seasons, Larry Bird takes himself out of the game
No Gunmen for Rent
(The Week: Society)
An appeals court rules a magazine liable for a public offer to kill
America Abroad
And Now For Some Good News
Time Magazine Contents Page
August 31, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 9
Time Magazine Masthead
August 31, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 9
Buying Black
Mainstream companies are cashing in on African-American consumers
Greenback Blues
(The Week: Business)
The dollar dives to its lowest level since World War II
Slipping Beneath The Bottom Line
(The Week: Business)
Wang Laboratories and Phar-Mor file for bankruptcy court protection
Collision Of Cultures
(Reviews Books)
Murder Midst The Ferns
(Reviews Books)
Return From Alienation
(Reviews Art)
Short Takes
The Thrust of His Thought
(Reviews Cinema)
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
We Can All Share American Culture