Sunday, Sep. 03, 2006

The Veteran Vulcan

By Nina Vizcarrondo

"Change is the essential process of all existence," Spock once said on Star Trek. This week marks the 40th anniversary of the show's first episode, and LEONARD NIMOY, who played the pointy-eared half-Vulcan for 25 years, seems to have made that onscreen line his offscreen credo. Now retired from show biz, Nimoy says photography is his "primary artistic expression." His dreamy images--many of women--are displayed in galleries across the country. He has published several books of his photos, usually accompanied by his poetry. His most recent, Shekhina, explores the mythological "feminine aspect of God."

Nimoy hasn't abandoned his otherworldly roots. For Star Trek's 40th, he and William Shatner, who "see each other regularly," will tour to meet fans around the country. "I'm very proud that after 40 years, people are still interested," says Nimoy--which means he knows the import of another of his roles; he has a say in the casting of a younger Spock for the 11th Star Trek movie, due out in 2008.