Sunday, Sep. 03, 2006

A Prayer For The Dems

By Mike Allen

Where should Democrats be trawling for votes? Try megachurches. The fast-growing suburban congregations have long been seen as hard-core G.O.P. supporters. But Applebee's America, a new book aimed at helping political, business and religious leaders market themselves, disagrees. The authors--ex-Bill Clinton aide Douglas Sosnik, Bush strategist Matthew Dowd and journalist Ron Fournier--analyzed 2004 exit polls and found that Protestant suburbanites who attend church at least weekly are 49% Democrat or independent and 39% believe in gay rights. "Democratic leaders should stop stereotyping and start targeting," they write. If Dems do, they may find an audience that's used to it--the authors interviewed megachurch pastors like Rick Warren, who talk frankly about employing tools like polling to build their flocks.