Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006

How the Influx is Changing the U.S.

[This article consists of a complex diagram. Please see hardcopy of magazine or PDF.] Where unauthorized Mexican immigrants go

About 6.3 million illegal immigrants from Mexico live in the U.S., according to the Pew Hispanic Center, and an average of 485,000 more arrive every year. In response, state legislatures considered nearly 300 bills on immigration policy in the first half of 2005 alone, but passed just 47. While some states address the challenges facing migrant workers with families, others are trying to crack down on illegal immigration SUPPORTIVE LEGISLATION Washington State Reversed a 2002 measure and restored health-care coverage to children regardless of their immigration status

Illinois In November Governor Rod Blagojevich set up an office to study immigrants contributions and needs; a new law allows illegal immigrant children to obtain health insurance

Idaho Rejected a bill that would have required counties to pay for transportation of undocumented workers back to their home countries

New Mexico Became the ninth state to extend in-state tuition benefits to undocumented immigrant students

CRACKING DOWN Virginia A recent bill would make it the first state to prohibit illegal immigrants from attending state colleges; a new law restricts other benefits

South Carolina A bill passed the state house and senate requiring Medicaid applicants to present proof of legal residency if asked

Arizona Passeda law prohibiting cities from maintaining public day-laborer centers, where migrant workers congregate to seek employment

Kentucky Enacted a law requiring anyone seeking licenses for various professions to show proof of immigration status Illegal immigrants in the U.S. are largely from Mexico ...

Country or region of birth of illegal immigrants in the U.S., March 2004 o MEXICO 57% o OTHER LATIN AMERICA 24% o ALL OTHER 19% estimates ... Their numbers are growing ... o 2005 -- 6.3 million o Millions of illegal Mexican immigrants living in the U.S.

... and they are sending more and more money back home o $1.7 billion o Billions of dollars received monthly in Mexico from immigrants in the U.S. o Includes money from legal and illegal immigrants PROFILE OF IMMIGRATION

1 in 10 Proportion of Mexicans born in Mexico who now reside in the U.S.

80% to 85% Percentage of new immigrants from Mexico who lack legal documentation

$9 Median hourly wage of Mexican-born workers in the U.S. in 2004

$1.86 (21 pesos) Median hourly wage in Mexico in 2004

$450 billion Estimated combined annual gross income of all U.S. workers born in Latin America, of both legal and illegal immigration status, according to a 2004 report*

93% Percentage of that $450 billion that was spent in the U.S.* *From the Inter-American Development Bank

Sources: Pew Hispanic Center; National Immigration Law Center; National Conference of State Legislatures; INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estad.stica, Geograf.a e Inform.tica)