Sunday, Nov. 06, 2005
This year's three Supreme Court nominations have given several blawgs--law blogs, that is--a chance to shine. While SCOTUSBLOG offers serious parsing of opinions written by President Bush's latest pick, several less-than-judicious sites focus on more humorous minutiae. THE RIGHT HONORABLE SAMUEL A. ALITO, JR., a satirical blog by a fake Alito who claims "the 'A.' stands for awesome," warns people not to make anything of his newly thick coif. "Choke on it," he commands. At UNDERNEATH THEIR ROBES, another humorous blog devoted to the federal judiciary, Alito didn't make the list of "superhotties." But HARRIET MIERS'S BLOG!!!, run by a fictional version of the jettisoned nominee, had this parting shot: "Judge not or you'll be judged yourself."