Sunday, Jul. 03, 2005
The Fed Cup captain is prepping the U.S. women's team for a July 9-10 semifinal against Russia
What is the most common mistake beginners make?
I've given 50 million clinics, and I can't tell you how many times people let the ball bounce before getting the racquet back. Then they wonder why they're late all the time. I tell people to pose like someone is taking your picture--exaggerate your position.
Who is your favorite player to watch?
Oh, my God, I am such a Roger Federer fan. I'm like, "Don't call me, Federer is on." You can learn everything from watching him. People say, "Oh, I would never be able to hit that shot," and they're right. But with the basics of the game, he's so fundamentally sound.
Make us racquet hacks feel better: What was your most embarrassing on-court moment?
I was playing Chris Evert in Dallas. I ran for a drop shot, and I kept going and got entangled in the net. My skirt was over my head. I would say [my bottom is] in the J. Lo or Beyonce category. For me, it wasn't pretty.