Sunday, Jun. 26, 2005

Doctor's Orders

By David Bjerklie

THE HEADACHES OF CHILDHOOD One child in 10 misses school because of severe headaches, but relief may be available. A new study shows that zolmitriptan, a nasal spray for grownup migraines, is also safe and effective for kids.

EUROPE'S COMING BABY BUST Infertility could double in Europe in 10 years, according to one report, because of rising obesity, delayed childbearing and chlamydia infections.

MEN, WOMEN AND THE DENTIST Women are 21/2 times more likely to fear dental visits, according to a survey of 1,100 Canadians. Or more likely to admit that.

$156 BILLION Estimated global medical cost of dementia--primarily from Alzheimer's--92% of which is spent by developed nations, which have less than 40% of the cases.