Friday, Dec. 17, 2004
"I want to thank the Canadian people who came out to wave--with all five fingers--for their hospitality."
PRESIDENT BUSH, on the response to his trip to Canada, where opposition to the U.S President and the war in Iraq has been strong
"Divorce was always an option--not murder."
SHARON ROCHA, mother of Laci Peterson, in emotional testimony to the jury deciding whether Scott Peterson should get the death penalty for the murder of his wife
"Medicine by regulation is better than medicine by referendum."
STEPHEN G. BREYER, Supreme Court Justice, during arguments on whether states can allow the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, suggesting that such matters are better left to the Food and Drug Administration
"A rerun of the second round may also produce nothing. What happens then? Will there have to be a third, a fourth, a 25th round, until one of the sides obtains the necessary result?"
VLADIMIR PUTIN, Russian President, opposing a decision by the Ukrainian Supreme Court to hold a new runoff election between the two candidates for Ukraine's President, after allegations of fraud in the first balloting
"For the life of me, I cannot understand why the terrorists have not attacked our food supply, because it is so easy to do."
TOMMY THOMPSON, Secretary of Health and Human Services, issuing a warning as he announced his resignation
"I had no doubt what he was giving me, because we were friends."
BARRY BONDS, slugging future baseball Hall of Famer, during grand jury testimony, revealed by the San Francisco Chronicle, on whether he suspected his trainer, Gary Anderson, of secretly including steroids among the pills and creams he gave Bonds
"I never wanted to be a prophet or a savior. Elvis maybe. I could see myself becoming him. But prophet? No."
BOB DYLAN, rock icon, in an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes, his first TV sit-down in 19 years
Sources: Associated Press (2); New York Times (2); Associated Press; San Francisco Chronicle; Newsday