Monday, Sep. 06, 2004
$800 million Concession in salaries and benefits that US Airways is seeking from its employees to forestall bankruptcy. The airline last filed for bankruptcy in 2002
$2.5 billion Amount by which the US Airways pilot pension plan is underfunded
3,092 Number of Bush campaign ads that aired from January through June on cable channels that mostly attract affluent white male voters
265 Number of Kerry campaign ads on those channels in the same period
35.9 million Number of Americans living in poverty in 2003
1.3 million Increase in that number from the previous year
11,100 Number of athletes at the Athens Olympics
21,500 Number of media representatives at the Olympics
5% Portion of all fish caught in U.S. waters in the past two decades that were taken by recreational anglers
23% Portion of caught fish belonging to species dwindling because of overfishing that were taken by recreational anglers
Sources: New York Times; Cox News Service; Wall Street Journal (2); Washington Post (2); ATHOC (2); AP (2)