Monday, Aug. 16, 2004


64-c- Estimated cost of the daily portions of fruit and vegetables the federal Food Guide Pyramid recommends

7% Percentage of population eating recommended portions

32,000 Number of U.S. jobs created in July, far short of the more than 215,000 the Bush Administration had expected

147.70 Drop in the Dow Jones industrial average on the day the jobs report appeared, ending the week at a yearly low

21.5% Amount by which Massachusetts has cut education spending, the most of any state in this fiscal year

$10,500 Average annual tuition, room and board at a public four-year college, up 14% over last year

$130,000 Value of jewelry presented as gifts to President Bush, his family and aides in 2003 by Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah; gifts of more than $285 become federal property

300 lbs. Amount of raw lamb meat presented as a gift to President Bush in 2003 by Argentine President Nestor Kirchner

Sources: Associated Press (2); Bureau of Labor Statistics; CNN; New York Times; Boston Globe; Federal Register; Seattle Times