Monday, Apr. 26, 2004

Charitable Giving Gets a Youthful Spin

By Esther Chapman

A fresh approach to philanthropy is making community giving hip--and affordable--for young adults. Concerned about an aging donor base, more than a dozen community foundations, from Hartford, Conn., to Albuquerque, N.M., are trying to attract the 25- to 45-year-old set through groups called future funds. Members pool their money--anywhere from $125 to $1,000--and then study proposals and award grants. So far, the idea is paying off, drawing dollars into community initiatives while priming young professionals for big-bucks giving down the line. Members often prefer start-up projects or edgy endeavors--as in Greensboro, N.C., where they funded gay bingo and a wireless-access corridor. Some groups even include networking (and romancing) amid the altruism--a decent return on a worthy investment. --By Esther Chapman