Monday, Nov. 10, 2003

Next Time: B.Y.O. Togas

By Rebecca Winters

A birthday cake with pyrotechnic bosoms; a troupe of shapely, toga-clad dancers; a Jimmy Buffett concert--who knew there was such a variety of ways to exhibit poor judgment? Jurors in the trial of former Tyco CEO DENNIS KOZLOWSKI, flanked here by a pair of hired Roman revelers, watched a 21-minute videotape last week of a $2 million birthday party Kozlowski threw for his wife on the Italian island of Sardinia in 2001. Kozlowski, who stuck his firm with half the tab for the blowout, is accused of bilking Tyco out of $600 million. He appears on the tape promising partygoers a week of "eating, drinking...all the things we're best known for." Many trial watchers shared an understandably scandalized reaction: $2 million and the best he could do was Jimmy Buffett?