Monday, Nov. 10, 2003
Table of Contents
10 QUESTIONS for John Snow 8
NOTEBOOK: Reaching out to the Taliban; investigating 9/11; an Israeli army leader vs. Sharon; how far does the mutual-fund scandal go?; Saks, Bloomie's and MTV launch new magazines 23
MILESTONES: A new Beatle is born; swan song for Franco Corelli 28
IN THE ARENA: Joe Klein on the sad, dignified slide of the honorable Joe Lieberman 29
THE HIDDEN TOLL The number of injured Americans is climbing. So is their survival rate. How the wounded come home 32
LOCAL REINFORCEMENT As bombing attacks increase, the U.S. steps up its training of Iraqi recruits 42
AID WORKERS: Targeted more, relief groups ponder cuts 46
WHERE THINGS STAND A joint report by ABC News and TIME examines life in Iraq after Saddam. The verdict: if it's outside Baghdad, it's better 48
CALIFORNIA FIRES How drought, development and winds ignited a disaster 54
THE BIG SQUEEZE The economy heats up, but wages, perks and benefits are still on ice. Is it a boom if it feels like a bust? 62
RUSSIAN AFFRONT: A tycoon is jailed, and some cry politics 68
THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU ALL: To ease waiting--and maybe make more money--some doctors are examining patients in groups 71
JFK UNSEEN Never-before-published photos take you inside the family, campaigns and Camelot 72
GRUFF SAILING Master and Commander's audience-wowing, photographer-cursing Russell Crowe is one of our finest actors--and our most reluctant movie star 78
THE MOVIE: A powerful, subtle epic captures the art of war 82
THE AUTHOR: How Patrick O'Brian invented a naval saga and a life 84
TELEVISION: Three high-profile series get extreme makeovers 86
WILL FERRELL: Talking funny with the big man in the elf suit 90
HEALTH: Tough news for couples trying hard to conceive 117 TECH: unveils a super-searchable library 118 MONEY: How to keep disasters from burning you financially 121
PEOPLE: Kobe-Shaq feud; sending Miss Afghanistan to hell 123
ESSAY: Artifact or empty suit? Pity the poor Bush flight outfit 124
IRAQ: WHERE THINGS STAND TIME and ABC News sent reporters throughout Iraq to ask citizens how their lives have changed since the war. Our story appears on page 48, and reports will air this week on Good Morning America, World News Tonight, Nightline and other ABC News broadcasts.
COVER: Digital photomontage by Arthur Hochstein. Photos from 20th Century Fox, Universal and Miramax. Crowe by Nigel Parry
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