Monday, Sep. 22, 2003

Table of Contents

September 22, 2003 Vol. 162, No. 12



NOTEBOOK: Arnold's prospects get pumped down; fast food goes on a diet .........................19

MILESTONES: Farewells to Edward Teller, Leni Riefenstahl, John Ritter and others 24

IN THE ARENA: Slow and steady, Dick Gephardt is back in the race ............................25


GOING GLOBAL IN IRAQ Facing continued violence and an $87 billion bill, President Bush wants to share the burden. His policy, and political future, may depend on it 26

"WE LOVE OSAMA": In Pakistan's tribal areas, beyond the reach of U.S. troops, al-Qaeda and the Taliban are beloved--and regrouping 36

RACING AGAINST TIME BOMBS: As the Palestinian conflict threatens to become a war, Israeli soldiers scour the West Bank to find suicide bombers before they strike 38


MIXED MARKS: Bush's education reform is helping some kids but may be underfunded and overready to declare schools to be failures 42


FOR A SONG: 99-c- is the going rate as downloaders start turning to legit music sites like iTunes 44

HIGH EXCHANGE RATE: The New York Stock Exchange's chief may be a bit overpaid--at $140 million 47


BLUE MAN GROUP: A third of those who suffer from depression are males. Is testosterone a factor? 48


ODE TO VIRGIL: Forty years ago this week Virgil Ware, 13, became the sixth black person killed one day in Birmingham, Ala., shot by a 16-year-old white boy. Time revisits his life and his killer and examines the ongoing role of his story and those like it in the city once called Bombingham 52


JOHNNY CASH His was not the rocker's shriek but the dark, deep voice of a man counting out his demons and his losses with the stoicism of a poker player dealt a bum hand. A look at his legacy 60


LIFESTYLE: We've got (Krispy Kreme-flavored) milk; tips for bachelorettes; kickball comeback 77

HEALTH: The rare and unpredictable condition that killed John Ritter; the benefits of light exercise 78

TECHNOLOGY: Driving Toyota's hybrid-energy family car; a sexier mouse; a Game Boy challenger 81

PEOPLE: Dave as Dad; Bennifer; un-merry Clooney; Hello, Art, my old friend, I'll sing with you again 83

ESSAY: Democrats unhinged: anatomy of the Bush haters 84 SCREEN PASS

If you don't have the oomph to get out on the field this fall--or maybe you just crave a little indoor fun--we've stacked up our Top 10 must-have video games from Madden 2004 to Tiger Woods PGA Tour. Plus, if you're after live action, click through our buyer's guide to television sets, including the latest skinny on high-definition TV.

COVER: Photograph by Ruven Afanador--Corbis Outline

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