Vol. 161 No. 22
What Makes You Who You Are
(Cover Story / Science)
Which is stronger--nature or nurture? The latest science says genes and your experience interact for your whole life
Lionized in Winter
At 85, Robert Byrd has become an overnight Internet sensation and the Senate's unlikeliest liberal
Goodbye, Soccer Mom. Hello, Security Mom
She's worried, she wants answers and she likes toughness in a President. She's the new swing voter both parties are vigorously chasing. Here's how
The Sum Of Two Evils
Saddam's nastiest biological weapons may have been his sons UDAY and QUSAY. TIME takes an exclusive look inside their reign of terror
Can Venice Be Saved?
Driving Into The Future
High-tech extras are making new cars smarter. But are these gizmos keeping us safe behind the wheel--or just busy?
What Led To Orange
A New Eye on North Korea
Trust Us: It Will Work
Bloody Days In Indonesia
Let The Airport Scramble Begin
Exporting Compassion
Plagued Canada
The Voodoo of Dubya-nomics
Why Bush's tax-cut bill doesn't make sense even by its own logic
Look! Up on the Front Page, It's ...
... another reporter unbound by journalistic ethics. Who do they think they are?
What Is Your Government Not Telling You?
A Fallen Mogul Stirs
Seagram heir Edgar Bronfman Jr. wants to buy back his show-biz empire. But who would finance him?
A Battle Over the Morning-After Pill
(On The Campus / James Madison University)
Who should say whether a contraceptive can be made available at a state school?
Bigger Than Broadway!
The boldest theater in the U.S. may be in your own town. Our picks for America's Best Regional Theaters
A Spy in the House of Love
In the marvelous Mortals, Norman Rush's first novel in 12 years, a CIA agent battles a midlife crisis
Brilliant Idiots
Electric Six have one joke. And they tell it well
When Hope's Out, Try Pluck
A slyly amusing film in a grim setting, Sweet Sixteen is unsentimental about its doomed subject
Barred from Heaven
In 1961 a group of women were recruited to go into space. The Mercury 13 tells why they never got there
Where Young Things Are
Maurice Sendak revives and lightens a children's opera first performed in a Nazi concentration camp
The Shrink Rap
In an era of Super Sizes and SUVs, some goods are actually getting smaller
Hot Baubles from the Far East
Love Me, Love My Dog
Add-Ons for Your iPod
Accessories let you dress it up, play it through your radio and much more
A Friendlier Way to Date Online
Breaking Bread
Two studies yield good news about protein. But yes, there are caveats
Smokers' Second Wind?
O.K., Now What?
(Time Bonus Section June 2003 / Generations)
A key question for retirees is whether to stick with familiar activities or try something new. There are many answers
Catch-Up Fitness
(Time Bonus Section June 2003 / Generations)
Exercise has plenty of benefits even if you start late
Mystery Tours
(Time Bonus Section June 2003 / Generations)
Barbara Mertz (a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters) takes her readers on suspenseful trips through Egypt