Vol. 161 No. 13
At Close Range
EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS As long-distance bombing pounded Baghdad, allied ground troops made a grueling push across the desert in a show of both brute force and tender mercy. An intimate look at the real work
Voices Of Outrage
(Iraq / Dissent)
They're energized and organized. But can U.S. antiwar protesters survive their own diversity?
Real Battles In Real Time
(Iraq / Critic's Notebook)
The networks delivered amazing live images, but the unparalleled access may have a price
First Stop, Iraq
(Iraq / The Road To War)
How did the U.S. end up taking on Saddam? The inside story of how Iraq jumped to the top of Bush's agenda--and why the outcome there may foreshadow a different world order
(Iraq / The War)
Targeting Saddam's Inner Circle
(Iraq / The War)
U.S. bombs are focusing on the loyalists closest to the Iraqi dictator, including his two sons and the cousin who directed the lethal 1988 gas attack on the Kurds
Chemical Ali: Saddam's Henchman
(Iraq / The War)
Tragedy at Camp Pennsylvania
(Iraq / The War)
TIME's Jim Lacey has been traveling with the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division. Over two weeks ago, they had set up camp in northern Kuwait just 20 miles south of the Iraqi border. Then the d
Inside Saddam's Head
(Iraq / Understanding Saddam)
Other dictators have known when to flee. Why did the Iraqi ruler stand his ground?
Dispatches From The Front
(Iraq / With The Troops)
Simon Robinson dodges shells with the 1st Marine Division as it barrels its way toward Basra, while Michael Ware describes the scene as a suicide bomber kills a colleague in northern Iraq
The American Prime Minister
Why Blair has gained rare influence: he has strengths that Bush lacks
America Shows Its Colors
Humility, not hubris, is crucial to winning the peace
The Rise And Rise Of Asian Art
Forget about Matisse and Picasso. Things of beauty from across the Pacific are landing everywhere
A Jerk, Perhaps, But Our Jerk
Rudy's Giuliani is a tough guy for better and for worse
This Boy's Grim Life
In a new documentary, Hoop Dreams director Steve James revisits a youth he mentored and finds a mess
Beyond Brown Cow
(Technology Health Money Fitness Food Trends)
Specialty yogurts are multiplying. But do they taste any better?
Initial Wear: Gimme a C!
Hard Times, Cozy Advice
(60-Second Synopsis)
No Time for Defense
War is quickly shifting the outlook for investors. Here's how to position yourself
What Are Your Odds?
New math for calculating smokers' lung-cancer risk. Don't flunk this quiz
Nov. 8, 1923
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Adolf Hitler's Practice Power Grab
Oct. 29, 1923
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Turkey Forced Westward
Jan. 21, 1924
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Death of a Bolshevik
Sept. 25, 1926
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The 40-Hour Revolution
May 21, 1927
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The First Across Alone
Oct. 6, 1927
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Now Hear This!
Sept. 3, 1928
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Overlooked Miracle
Nov. 18, 1928
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Mouse That Roared
Oct. 29, 1929
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Wall Street's Bad, Bad Fall
March 12, 1930
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Disobedient Saint's March
March 4, 1933
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Launching the New Deal
July 1, 1934
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Movies' Moral Crackdown
June 10, 1935
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
AA Takes Its First Steps
Aug. 9, 1936
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Outrunning the Aryan Myth
March 3, 1938
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Finding the King's Fortune
Nov. 9, 1938
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Night Hope Shattered
April 15, 1938
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Birth of the Superhero
Sept. 1, 1939
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Storming into Poland
May 10, 1940
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Churchill Takes Charge
Dec. 7, 1941
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
What I Saw at Pearl Harbor
June 6, 1944
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
D-Day: Saving a Continent
Aug. 6, 1945
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Unleashing an Era of Dread
April 15, 1947
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Breaking the Color Line
Oct. 14, 1947
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Flying Faster than Sound
Freedom and Calamity
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Jan. 5, 1948
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Big Dripper's Opening
May 14, 1948
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Dawn of Israel
Oct. 20, 1952
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Bloody Mau Mau Revolt
Feb. 28, 1953
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Eureka: The Double Helix
July 5, 1954
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The King Finds His Voice
Dec. 1, 1955
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Bus Rider's Defiance
July 17, 1959
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Uncovering Earliest Man
May 9, 1960
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Pill That Unleashed Sex
Oct. 11, 1962
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Church Transformed
Sept. 27, 1962
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Breaking the Silence on DDT
Oct. 27, 1962
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Averting the Apocalypse
Aug. 28, 1963
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Marching for a Dream
Nov. 22, 1963
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Infamous Day in Dallas
Feb. 9, 1964
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!"
June 30, 1966
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Demanding Full Equality
Aug. 5, 1966
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Call for Mass Insanity
Dec. 3, 1967
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Brand-New Heart
Jan. 31, 1968
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Tet: The Beginning of the End
April 4, 1968
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Killing the Dreamer
June 5, 1968
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Final Blow to Camelot
June 28, 1969
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Standing Up for Gay Rights
July 20, 1969
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
"One Giant Leap for Mankind"
Nov. 15, 1971
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Computer on a Chip
June 17, 1972
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Not Just Any Burglary
Jan. 22, 1973
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Getting the right to choose
April 30, 1975
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Good Night, Vietnam
April 1, 1976
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Apple Computer Boots Up
May 25, 1977
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Arrival of the Jedi
July 25, 1978
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Brave New Baby
Feb. 1, 1979
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Ayatullah's Return
Dec. 12, 1979
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Soviet Folly in Afghanistan
May 3, 1979
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Iron Lady Sings
Sept. 20, 1980
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Good Day for Savers
March 8, 1983
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Bedeviling an Empire
July 27, 1982
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Name for the Plague
March 11, 1985
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
My First Day on the Job
Dec. 29, 1987
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Pill to Make Your Day
Nov. 24, 1989
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Bin Laden Steps Up to No. 1
Nov. 9, 1989
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Taking Down the Wall
Feb. 11, 1990
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
At Long Last, Freedom
Aug. 6, 1991
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
How the Web Was Spun
Feb. 26, 1993
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Foreshadowing of 9/11
April 19, 1995
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Homegrown Nightmare
Aug. 9, 1995
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Dotcom Boom Begins
Oct. 3, 1995
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Color Us Divided on O.J.
Aug. 31, 1997
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Death of a Princess
March 27, 1998
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Potent Breakthrough
Nov. 29, 1999
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
A Generation Takes a Stand
Dec. 12, 2000
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
End of the Endless Election
Jan. 29, 2002
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Enemy Is Defined
Sept. 11, 2001
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Day al-Qaeda Attacked America
History Doesn't Follow the Rules
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The world can change in a day, all right, but not always the way we think it will
80 Days
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Fateful Meetings
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Great Performances to Savor
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Oct. 1, 1949
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
New China Is Born
Feb. 9, 1950
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
McCarthy's First Slander
Oct. 15, 1951
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
Falling in Love with Lucy
Oct. 4, 1957
(Special Section TIME's 80th Anniversary / 80 Days That Changed The World)
The Space Race Lifts Off
How We Cover War and Uncover History
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