Monday, Jan. 27, 2003


By Melissa August; Elizabeth L. Bland; Sean Gregory; Janice M. Horowitz; Rebecca Winters

53% President Bush's job-approval rating, his lowest since Sept. 11, 2001

89% His approval rating a month after the attacks

6.2% Percentage of children and adolescents who took Ritalin, antidepressants or some other psychiatric drug in 1996

2.5% Percentage who took such drugs in 1987

54% Percentage of Americans expected to watch the Super Bowl

40% Percentage who say they will tune in just for the commercials

$70 million Fines seven former employees of the trading firm Datek Online agreed to pay for tens of millions of dollars in illegal trading and fraudulent bookkeeping

$277 million Sum the SEC estimates two Datek executives fraudulently transferred to shell companies

Source: TIME/CNN Poll; Gallup; Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; InsightExpress; New York Times