Monday, Apr. 22, 2002

Your Family

By Lisa McLaughlin

ELDER DISCOUNTS As baby boomers age, senior-citizen discounts may become a thing of the past. Delta and American Airlines recently eliminated their senior clubs, and the New York Mets have put a stop to their senior dollar days. With 1 in 5 Americans currently over 55, other corporations are also beginning to think about the cost-effectiveness of offering discounts. And experts wonder whether the reduced prices are necessary--today people in their 50s are wealthier than any other age group in the U.S.

SHARED CUSTODY According to a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, kids are more likely to be better adjusted after divorce if parents share custody. Researchers found that children who spent substantial time with both parents had fewer behavioral and emotional problems and higher self-esteem and grades than kids in sole-custody arrangements.

DAD-ENHANCED LEARNING Researchers at the University of Illinois have determined that the involvement of a father or father figure can help improve a child's grades. When dads ask kids daily about their classwork and school relationships, reading and math scores on achievement tests are higher.

--By Lisa McLaughlin