Monday, Mar. 04, 2002
For The Record
By Harriet Barovick, Elizabeth L. Bland, Roy B. White, Rebecca Winters
30 Number of Americans killed in the Afghan war since it began last October
21 Number of those killed who died in airplane or helicopter crashes
3,800 Number of calories produced every day by the food industry for each person in the U.S.
2,500 Number of calories needed every day by the average adult male
35% Percentage of adult Americans who are overweight
400,000 Number of hot dogs ordered for the Winter Olympics
5 Number of days it took to go through the hot-dog supply
$8 million Total charges filed in one month with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court by law firms working on the Enron case
$169,883 Amount one firm, Weil, Gotshal & Manges, filed for copying costs for that month
$700 Hourly rate filed with the court by the same firm's senior partner
Sources: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, N.Y. Times, AP, Washington Post