Monday, Dec. 10, 2001
We Gather Together
"Let our pursuit of happiness serve as a daily victory against the dark deprivation the terrorists wish upon us." CATHERINE VAN ARNAM Melrose, Mass.
Nancy Gibbs eloquently addressed the thoughts and feelings that many of us share this holiday season--sadness, confusion and fear balanced with a sense of unity, compassion and hope [THANKSGIVING, Nov. 19]. Her insights and gift of expression have been invaluable, and I've especially appreciated them in TIME's coverage of recent events. LINDA HUDSON Indianapolis, Ind.
Family, friends, health and country--these are the typical answers to the question, What are you thankful for? However, in light of Sept. 11, the answers that used to roll off our tongues are guaranteed to receive a second thought. We are involved in a war against terrorism. Families and friends have become closer, accepting their differences and reconciling their disagreements. Neighborhoods, towns and cities have bonded together as we become one nation. Many people have renewed their faith and have different priorities. The American people are reaching out to others. We may pause, because things have changed, but Americans realize that we are more thankful for family, friends, health and our country than ever before. JESSICA PRESCOTT-LUNT, AGE 16 Fayetteville, N.C.
It is ironic that after converting the Europeans--and most of the rest of the world, for that matter--to the U.S. lifestyle of focusing on consumerism, Americans are now taking time out to smell the roses. WILLIAM BEDFORD Toronto
When I saw Nancy Gibbs' name on the cover, I knew I was in for an emotional roller coaster. I was prepared to smile, cry and even laugh a little--and how incredibly therapeutic it was. Nancy, your articles are so touching and poignant, with an uplifting tone of optimism, pride and resolve. After I finished reading, I walked outside, stood at attention and stared at the American flag proudly waving in front of my house. I felt as if I were the luckiest man on earth, because I live in the greatest country in the world. DANIEL DELELLIS Clearwater, Fla.
Thank goodness for the Colorado pastor who said he is troubled by the song so often sung today, God Bless America. He believes we should say, "God bless America as well as the other nations." Do we truly think God should bless only us? How arrogant! I wish we would all fly flags showing arms linked around the world. God would approve of that without any doubt. ROBERTA POWELL Worthington, Ohio
--Our food-and-flag cover illustration was well received by many of you who were aching for a holiday break. "After plane crashes, war and anthrax, I was thankful to see TIME's pumpkin pie," sighed a grateful Iowan. A New Yorker wrote, "Like many other citizens, I am flying the colors, and I love the idea of putting the American flag in my Thanksgiving pumpkin pie." And a reader from Maryland offered "applause for the flag in the pie. It's a reminder of the best time of year, when people open their hearts. Despite the war, the holidays will go on. Let the festivities begin!"
Nonviolent Pashtun
Your short history of Afghanistan's Pashtun tribe might leave readers with the impression that its history is one of unbroken war, feuding and violence that reaches back as far as Alexander the Great [THE WAR, Nov. 19]. You failed to mention the remarkable story of how, in the 1930s and '40s, under the spiritual leadership of Badshah Khan, a Pashtun tribal leader and close ally of Mohandas Gandhi's, 100,000 Pashtun warriors embraced nonviolence, enduring harsh repression at the hands of the British. In a time when Muslims, including ethnic Pashtun, are feared and even despised, the public doesn't know that an Islamic leader took those same people to the pinnacle of their humanity, the nonviolence of the brave. MICHAEL REED Davis, Calif.
The Trouble with Oil
Michael Elliott's analysis of the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and its oil [GLOBAL AGENDA, Nov. 19] didn't address the question of why the price of gasoline at the pumps is dropping when there is a war going on. Do you think it is because OPEC is being nice? Russia has become the world's second largest oil exporter, just when OPEC was hoping to cut back oil production. If new pipelines are built, Russia may be able to export enough oil to significantly reduce U.S. dependence on Middle East sources of oil. (Now is it clear why we are becoming friendly with Russia?) Do you think Saudi Arabia is upset by this? The whole economic structure of the Middle East will change if America gets most of its oil elsewhere. Maybe bin Laden saw this as the final straw: the U.S. once again upsetting the applecart in the Middle East. BILL BURNS Fulton, N.Y.
What Makes a Terrorist?
There may be some confusion in the minds of politicians in distinguishing between a freedom fighter and a terrorist [SPECIAL REPORT, Nov. 12]. From my perspective, a freedom fighter, because of his political convictions, battles his superior foe by whatever means he has. A terrorist intentionally kills or seriously harms innocent third parties in the attempt to exact political, religious or military gain. Under my definition, there are former terrorists who are now seemingly respectable world leaders. Whether these people should be brought to justice or warmly embraced, the label of terrorist should be applied to them. No religion in the world should advocate the killing of innocent people to further religious or political objectives. NEOH CHOO KEONG Alor Star, Malaysia
Down with Protesters
I am sick and tired of the bleeding hearts who constantly find fault with the U.S. and Britain, which are doing their damnedest to keep civilization intact [THE WAR, Nov. 19]. I do not understand why some people are suddenly protesting now. Where were they when women under the Taliban regime were being forced to stay at home and some were beaten or murdered? Where were they when patients in Afghan hospitals were dying and children were without teachers because professional Afghan women were not allowed to work? Where were the protesters when innocent Africans were blown to bits while working in U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania? The terrorists rely on demonstrators to sow confusion and dissension. I hope those who opposed the war have seen the pictures of grateful Afghan citizens smiling and playing soccer and women going back to work. Americans, we love you. You are brave and loyal. PAULA MARNITZ Cape Town
The Afghan Way of War
Those like the Taliban who practice extremism in religion and politics sow the seeds of their own destruction [THE WAR, Nov. 19]. We know why these extremists have sought revenge on America. It is simply because the U.S. is everything the terrorists can never be as long as they follow ancient rules of intractable hatred and mistrust. ROBERT CARROLL Plainwell, Mich.
Are the U.S. special forces in Afghanistan scared? Sure they are. But as that icon of World War II, General George S. Patton, once said, "Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." JOHN WELLINGTON Santa Fe, N.M.
The U.S. has bombed Afghanistan to stop terrorism. But couldn't that encourage even more terrorism? Millions of Afghans fled their homes to get away from the bombs. Now the refugees are at risk of starvation and disease. The bombs, missiles and bullets have killed and wounded civilians and destroyed homes. Afghanistan was a devastated country even before the war. The bombing has not only added to the despair but has also taught people around the globe that this kind of war is viewed as legitimate by the U.S. Justice, not revenge, is the way to end terrorism. JAMES MARC LEAS South Burlington, Vt.
Osama bin Laden's jihad was proclaimed in the name of a past that never existed in order to attain a future that can never be. Islam's golden age was one of tolerance, which the terrorism of today can never reclaim. GORDON S. FOWKES Sugar Land, Texas
The only thing bin Laden has accomplished is to increase the suffering of Muslims and make them the most distrusted people on the face of the earth. CHARLES MCKENNA New York City
The Taliban are misguided, vicious men, and their treatment of women is like something from the Bronze Age. But they are not personally responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. We must refocus our efforts on fighting the al-Qaeda terrorist network and help the people of Afghanistan come together and rebuild their devastated country. CAROLYN ROBERTS Santa Fe, N.M.
Taliban fanatics need martyrs and victims the way cars need gasoline. The war in Afghanistan will create more Islamic extremists so the U.S. and its Muslim allies like Pakistan will be in even more danger. SANTIAGO CARDENAS JR. Hialeah, Fla.
Brave New Homeland
I hope that what Lance Morrow described as our new "homeland," in which we have united against a common enemy, isn't true [ESSAY, Nov. 19]. Flag waving and appreciating police officers in our New Paradigm are wonderful, but how can Morrow say Sept. 11 has brought about "united diversity" and then remark that people want to send Detroit's entire Muslim community back where it came from? He may claim that this represents political incorrectness, which would have been censured under the Old Paradigm, but this is beyond that. It is pure racism. I don't want to go back to the pre-Vietnam perspective if it involves allowing prejudice against Muslims. There's a lot we need to think about in case the reaction to Sept. 11 turns into more than just a war against terrorism. KATHRYN A. EAGLES Willow Grove, Pa.
Much of what Morrow wrote about the New Paradigm is hokum. The fervor of war, the sad state of the national media and rampant attempts by the Bush Administration to silence dissidents have only made it appear that there is a lasting sense of unity. A return of nationalistic jingoism to the place patriotism currently holds could very quickly turn the public around and make the Old Paradigm seem terribly current. GITAI BEN-AMMI Seattle
Anxiety in the Air
I read your report on problems in the airline industry as I was sitting in the American Airlines waiting area at the Houston airport [AIRLINES, Nov. 19] . My wife and I had just gone through the security check at 6:30 a.m., and the security agent seemed upset that we interrupted her nap. She was leaning on the counter checking IDs against tickets, her head supported by her hand. She passed us through and dropped her head back in her hand so she could get a few more winks. As we watched other apprehensive passengers, I commented to my wife that a paraphrase of the Marines' ad campaign ("The few. The proud.") could describe the airlines these days: "The few. The terrified. The passengers." JERRY HOCUTT Kent, Wash.
Undignified Intrusion
I was disappointed by Attorney General John Ashcroft's attempts to kill Oregon's assisted-suicide law [NOTEBOOK, Nov. 19], but not in the least surprised. Very few terminally ill residents of Oregon have used the assisted-suicide option, but it should remain available to those who need it. Why is Ashcroft trying to interfere with the laws of Oregon when there is so much else going on that he should be attending to? Laws like Oregon's are the business of individual states, not the national government. SUSAN L. ANDERSON Tempe, Ariz.
Person of the Year
Only one image comes to mind as TIME's Person of the Year for 2001: the Sept. 11 rescue workers. If TIME asks who did the most to shape the lives of Americans, I unequivocally say it was the fire fighters, police and rescue workers, male and female, who worked the day of the attack and afterward. They helped us remember what America stands for. CAROL R. WISEMAN West Bloomfield, Mich.
If TIME is considering Osama bin Laden as Man of the Year, I am appalled. Beast of the Year would be more appropriate! I will cancel my subscription to TIME if he is chosen. MARCIA MORRIS Auburn, Calif.
Americans should be your choice as the People of the Year. We have shown the world that we cannot be defined as cowards and weaklings. We do not hide in the corner when the going gets tough. Each and every one of us has proved that we are great by showing our patriotism. ADAM BALZ Athens, Wis.
President George W. Bush handled the Sept. 11 crisis with steely resolve and determination. He undoubtedly deserves to be your Person of the Year. SRINIVASAN BALAKRISHNAN Jamshedpur, India
You should select Mayor Rudy Giuliani. No one has done more for the spirit of Americans than this man. SANDRA NELSON Longwood, Fla.
Those Pesky Critics
Richard Corliss's review of the new Harry Potter film was a real disappointment [CINEMA, Nov. 19]. Despite what Corliss thinks, there is nothing wrong with making a lavishly faithful version of J.K. Rowling's outstanding literature. Excellent prose is difficult to transfer to film. What director Chris Columbus has done for moviegoers is to capture characters in an intriguing plot, rich with detail, and give these characters a sense of magic. I have only praise for Rowling and Columbus for entertaining all ages and all intellects. CINDY CAMPBELL Stanley, Kans.
In reading your movie review of the much anticipated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, I got only as far as the headline and subheadline--"The Harry Potter film has loads of technical expertise but lacks..." I know that it's a movie reviewer's job to be objective, but I really was not interested in what's wrong with this movie. Everyone I know, family and friends, young and old, has been talking about it. Let us have our fun, and don't find fault with the first film I have been excited about seeing all year. Spoilsport! JENNIFER WOOTTEN Langhorne, Pa.
Still Sexy at 64
In Jess Cagle's story about Robert Redford [CINEMA, Nov. 19], he wrote that the actor is "64 and looks it, and he's O.K. with that." Redford may be O.K. with it, but I resent it. I am 64 and grew up working on a farm, but I don't even come close to the cragginess of Redford. Cagle should have said Redford is 64 but looks older. Only the truly young would assume that all 64-year-olds have road maps on their faces. Oh well, as craggy and weathered as he is, Robert Redford is still a hunk. PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN Hideaway, Texas
Cagle reported that Redford was intrigued by the role in Last Castle because "he hadn't played a military character before." Either Redford's memory is failing him or maybe he has been in too many movies. He played a U.S. Army major in the 1977 film A Bridge Too Far. GEORGE S. GLASSMEYER Irmo, S.C.