Monday, Nov. 12, 2001
For The Record
By Harriet Barovick, Ellin Martens and Sora Song
4,261 Number of people missing or dead in the World Trade Center collapse, according to police figures, as of Nov. 2
1,800 Approximate number of applications for death certificates by families
4 Number of anthrax-related deaths in 2001
7 Number of West Nile virus-related deaths in 1999
1,100,000 Number of aid packages dropped over Afghanistan, as of Nov. 2
100 Approximate number of Tomahawk cruise missiles launched into Afghanistan, as of Nov. 2
60% Proportion of the Pakistani manufacturing work force employed by the textile and apparel industry--approximately 3.5 million people
18,000 Pakistani textile- and apparel-industry jobs lost since Sept. 11 owing to U.S. clothing companies, including Perry Ellis and Tommy Hilfiger, canceling orders
Sources: Office of the Mayor, AP, CDC (2), Pentagon (2), New York Times (2)