Monday, Apr. 23, 2001

News Quiz

By Kathleen Adams, Ann Marie Bonardi, Mitch Frank, Randy Hartwell, Benjamin Nugent, Joseph Pierro and Sora Song

1. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon had the lights in his home turned off because:

a) that's how his girlfriend likes it b) of his new glow-in-the-dark stars c) he didn't pay his electricity bill d) of Barak's energy deregulation plan

2. In this picture:

a) stupid Billy Bob thought it was a couples cross burning b) Spanish penitents parade on Good Friday c) we see that the Grand Wizard got her job for more than just her hatred

3. Abercrombie & Fitch pulled its catalog from Utah because:

a) it's got nudity b) Book of Mormon forbids "fitching" c) IOC kickbacks are too pricey d) if Orrin Hatch won't pose, Orrin Hatch suffers

4. Microsoft Office XP eliminated Clippy as a default feature because:

a) Clippy's agent asked for too much b) of a cheaper mascot, Severancy c) Clippy's short answers drove everyone nuts d) Clippy stank

5. Demonstrators may bring which to the McVeigh execution?

a) a date b) a Bible c) foam-rubber fingers d) Jujubes

ANSWERS: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b