Monday, Nov. 20, 2000
By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Ling Minhua, Lina Lofaro, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Michele Orecklin, Julie Rawe, Sora Song, Josh Tyrangiel
$4 billion Estimated amount spent on federal and state campaigns this year, the most expensive in U.S. history, up nearly 50% from 1996
$4.7 billion Amount Americans spend each year on laundry detergent
$37.15 Amount Democrat Jon Corzine spent per vote in New Jersey, using some $60 million of his own money to win the most expensive Senate campaign
$7.20 Amount Republican Michael Huffington spent per vote in California in the previous record-setting Senate race, losing his $27.5 million bid in 1994
4,025 Total votes for Gore in Cedar County, Iowa
4,025 Total votes for Bush in Cedar County, Iowa
4 Number of times TNT aired Primary Colors the weekend before the election
4 Number of appearances Clinton made at Gore rallies that weekend
Sources: Washington Post; Center for Responsive Politics, America Votes; Los Angeles Times; TNT