Monday, Oct. 09, 2000

News Quiz

By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Daren Fonda, Belinda Luscombe, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Eric Roston, Susanna Schrobsdorff, Josh Tyrangiel

1. The New York Times apologized last week for:

a) Flawed coverage of the Wen Ho Lee spy case b) Making up the Pentagon Papers c) Assigning only a minor league a____hole to the Gore campaign d) The Sports section

2. George W. Bush is:

a) Asking Brett Favre to throw him a Hailable Mary b) Reconsidering his position on same-sex civil unions c) On a campaign stop in Green Bay d) Courting the quarterback/good ole boy vote

3. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will now honor:

a) Achievement in a Foreign Substance b) Best Lifetime Original Movie c) Best Animated Feature d) All Nonacting Baldwins

4. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have agreed to:

a) Shorten their country names to Gyz and Beki b) Unite to combat a threat from Islamic militants c) Offer asylum to Steve and Eydie, but not Siegfried and Roy d) Disagree

5. The motto of Patrick Henry College (for homeschooled kids) is:

a) Ve Ri Lame b) In Dorkas Malorkas c) Shelter Us d) For Christ and for Liberty

ANSWERS: 1-a, 2-c, 3-c, 4-b, 5-d