Monday, Sep. 04, 2000


By Melissa August, Jeff Chu, Rachel Dry, Kathleen Earley, Michael Fitzgerald, Ellin Martens, Julie Rawe, Ursula Sautter, Josh Tyrangiel and Amelia Weiss



WEN HO LEE Judge grants bail as government's Los Alamos case wobbles. That Richardson--he's no Lieberman

AL GORE Bush drops attack ad; Reno nixes outside counsel; time for another kiss, Tipper!

VICENTE FOX Says all the right things on barnstorming tour. Still, it's all about the mustache


MONICA LEWINSKY Female lobbying group retracts its job offer due to stigma. She has more clout with guys anyway

GEORGE W. BUSH Having a problem with verbal slips on champagne frail. After good run, is it a blip or a trend?

PATRICK EWING Fair-weather New York fans wave bye-bye to the big guy. Oh, he's staying? Go, Pat!