Monday, Jul. 24, 2000
By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Daren Fonda, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Julie Rawe, Flora Tartakovsky and Josh Tyrangiel
66 Percentage of slaves among the laborers who built the U.S. Capitol, according to recently discovered documents
$5 Amount owners received per month for each of the 400 slave laborers
12 Number of slaves who helped cast the statue Freedom
63 Percentage of women ages 21 to 29 who say they would give up pay to spend more time with their children
70 Percentage of men who would
$93 million Amount the U.S. paid the U.N. last week in back dues for peacekeeping operations in Kosovo and East Timor
$1.65 billion Total amount the U.S. owes the U.N.
$150,000 Price paid at a charity auction for the handbag of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
$735 Price paid for the handbag of current P.M. Tony Blair's wife Cherie
Sources: USA Today, New York Times, AP