Monday, Jun. 19, 2000
By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Daren Fonda, David Kuhn, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Julie Rawe, John Rosenblatt, Josh Tyrangiel, Alexandra Wolfe
JOEL KLEIN You're the alpha male, your post-Clinton $$$ way up. Now please don't destroy our economy
DAVID BOIES Govt. legal eagle wins big. Even better, he really understood that stuff about source codes
LARRY ELLISON Zen network guru gets revenge fantasy. But remember, hubris didn't help Bill any
STEVE BALLMER Dude, your college bro' left you holding the bag. Time to ship the whole campus up to Canada?
WILLIAM NEUKOM Hey, nice job on the Microsoft defense. Hint: slap yer client, and try to resolve on appeal
AL GORE Sleepless in Seattle: after this ruling, you gotta really fight for reliable Wash. State