Vol. 155 No. 18
Abortion on Trial, Again
The Supreme Court will decide whether bans on some procedures threaten a woman's right to choose
Getting Beyond The Cliche
A new book shows Starr is less ideological than portrayed, but often inept
The Elian Grab
(The Fate Of Elian)
A turbulent Good Friday gives way to a dramatic and surgical invasion of the Gonzalez home--and a long-awaited reunion between Elian and his dad
What Can a Kid Decide?
(The Fate Of Elian)
A surprising 11th Circuit Court ruling raises questions about the rights of young children
How Will the Boy Cope?
(The Fate Of Elian / Mental Health)
A TIME medical columnist explains that Elian's psychological scars may not surface for years
Coming to America
The long, harsh odyssey of a Chinese illegal smuggled from Fujian province to New Jersey
Brave New Cells
Despite a federal ban, research on "cure-all" embryo tissue widens
Requiem for a Dauphin
DNA analysis reveals that the young heir to the French throne left to die in prison was no impostor
A Hard Heart
Warm-blooded dinos may have been quite common
Use the Body's "Repair Kit"
We must pursue research on embryonic stem cells
The Preacher's Daughter
Billy's other kid goes big time with a series of stadium revivals
Diamonds In The Ring
Boosted by the daughters of Ali and Frazier, women's boxing is losing its novelty-act status and gaining real fans
The State Dept. Lands In the Laptop of Danger
Ever Wonder: Wu Am I?
Oww-oo, Beowulfs from London
Shakespeare in Luvs
Protester Chic
Hacker Chat
Did I Mention My Plan to Bring Down Microsoft?
25 Years Ago At Microsoft
Running from the Law
Goodbye, Columbus. Hello, Mr. Chips
Will online universities take away the four best years of our lives?
A Class for Strangers In a Strange Land
Among the lessons for migrant workers: don't try to bribe the police up here
News Quiz Crossword
(News Quiz Crossword)
Flying Sybaritic Skies
After four years, an upstart airline takes off with affordable luxury (and frequent-flyer points too)
Box Score: Who's Rich Now?
The madcap markets of April trashed many stock options throughout the new economy. But those who managed to sell before the debacle captured eye-popping profits
Battle Deluxe
Titans LVMH and Gucci vie for dominance in the fashion world
From New Wave to Wavering
A Legend in Its Own Time?
(Rating The Newcomer)
A Laptop for Every Kid
More schools are convinced they're worth the cost
Can A Scout Be Gay?
The Boy Scouts' battle to stay straight goes to the Supreme Court
The Friedan Mystique
(The Arts / Books)
In a frank new memoir, the feminist pioneer reveals that her public life took a private toll
Getting Angry Over Erin
(The Arts / Cinema)
Some Californians depicted in Erin Brockovich say the movie misrepresents their fight with PG&E
Save This Show!
(The Arts / Television)
It was the year youth dramas flunked out. But three endangered standouts deserve promotion
What's Going On?
(The Arts / Books)
Joe Sacco's Safe Area Gorazde is a comic-book look at a horrible war
Nailed Palms and The Eyes of Gods
(The Arts / Books)
Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost is a stark successor to The English Patient
Voice from The Veld
(The Arts / Music)
Singer Miriam Makeba makes a regal return
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Paul Beatty
Searching for That Sting
(The Arts / Books)
Anonymous, a.k.a. journalist Joe Klein, returns for a second campaign with a new political novel
Cannibals of Nantucket
(The Arts / Books)
In the Heart of the Sea recounts the real events that inspired Moby Dick
Arabian Nights, ABC, April 30 and May 1
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Colour Moving And Still
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Chantal Kreviazuk
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Gregory Hoblit
The Green Bird
(The Arts / Short Takes)
The Leap: A Memoir Of Love And Madness In The Internet Gold Rush
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Tom Ashbrook
Silver & Gold
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Neil Young
Worst Baby Gifts
(Personal Time / Your Family)
From dangerous to merely dumb, many of today's nursery gadgets are best avoided
Blue-Chip Kids
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Two new websites can teach young investors the value of tucking away stock on a regular basis
Cordless Capers
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
If you're taking your computer on the road, a new wireless standard--Wi-Fi--is worth a look
"Facts" on Fiber
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Maybe they don't prevent colon cancer, but fruits, vegetables and bran are still good for you
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Nice Places to Visit, Great Places to Live
(Time Select / Travel)
Periodic searches for your ideal retirement spot offer a great excuse to travel the country. These six cities make wonderful vacation destinations--and even better hometowns
A Generation of Gurus
(Time Select / Nostalgia)
Their era may have faded in memory, but these two icons of enlightenment still persevere
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