Vol. 154 No. 20
In This Corner...
(Campaign 2000)
The feisty McCain has been accused of losing control. But it's more complicated than that
McCain Hits The Sweet Spot
(Campaign 2000)
He's gaining on George W. Bush in New Hampshire. Here's why
Superpower Stiff
Washington's refusal to pay its dues is imperiling America's influence at the United Nations
Primary Questions
(Campaign 2000)
As the dust settles in a two-man race, the question now is: Does Bush have the brains, McCain the temperament to preside in the Oval Office?
Why Bush Doesn't Like Homework
(Campaign 2000)
For George W., never much of a student, leadership means hearing the options and deciding. Does it matter whether he can name the leader of Pakistan?
Next: The Forbes Bump
(Campaign 2000)
If it happens--and the publisher's money and crowds suggest it could--then it's good for McCain
Out of Thin Air
A plane bound for Cairo takes 217 people on a fatal ride in the skies. What went wrong?
Radicals Reborn
Iran's student heroes have had a rough and surprising passage
A Hostage's Story
"I Still Jump"
Kingdom Of Learning
A new generation of hands-on museums mixes science and technology with the thrill of a theme park
The Fly With 100 Eyes
Scientists are puzzled by the peepers of a tiny parasite
Boom Time for Sci-Tech Centers
(In Brief)
A Dinosaur with Altitude
The Nose Knows Left From Right
Each nostril, it turns out, detects different smells
Holy Owned
Is it fair for a Catholic hospital to impose its morals on patients?
Henry & Mary & Janet &...
Is your marriage a little dull? The "polyamorists" say there's another way
You're Safer At the Office
Despite all the recent shootings, workplace homicides are declining
Worst of Times
In Los Angeles, a newsroom erupts over a business-side gaffe
Aliens Take Over The Tabloids!
Wolf Role Elicits Howls From Pro-Gore Women
It Ain't "the Tenties"
Hugo Boss for Prez!
One Hour in Bangkok...
Dull Is In
Dulles Out
The Wonderful World of Democracy
Petty Crime
Power Children
Once teens were barely tolerated, but now we worship the false god of youth
A Fullback Picks Her Gown
Four girls play on the football team at this high school. Will one of them be homecoming queen?
Wrestling With Your Conscience
Wal-Mart wants to avoid controversy on its shelves, but consumers won't let it
Dictators' Savings & Loan
Investigators fault Citigroup's private bankers
"Microsoft Enjoys Monopoly Power..."
(Bill Gates' Monopoly / The Findings Of Fact)
In uncommonly harsh language, the court hands Gates a devastating defeat. Is Microsoft mortally wounded?
The College Boom
What It May Mean For Gates
(Bill Gates' Monopoly / The Findings Of Fact)
Can God Take A Joke?
(The Arts / Cinema)
If he (or she) can, there'll be a lot to laugh at in Kevin Smith's randy but defiantly devout Dogma
Reclaiming His Crown
(The Arts / Music)
[The Artist formerly known as Prince] is back with his best CD in years. And who is his producer? Believe it or not, it's Prince
Loving Pedro
(The Arts / Cinema)
Almodovar, the naughty boy of Spanish cinema, pays warm tribute to strong women and produces the most satisfying work of his career with All About My Mother
Footnotes No Longer
(The Arts / Books)
As women's history takes root in the canon, more stories about the past take on a female voice
Inner Visions
(The Arts / Books)
TIME'S former editor faces up to going blind
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Mariah Carey
The Bone Collector
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Phillip Noyce
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By William Least Heat-Moon
The Messenger: The Story Of Joan Of Arc
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Luc Besson
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Faith Hill
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Mary, Mother Of Jesus
(The Arts / Short Takes)
NBC, Nov. 14
The Mother Load
(Personal Time / Your Family)
A new study of day care will make many moms feel guilty for using it. But they shouldn't
Betting With Bill
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Microsoft lost this round of its antitrust case, but don't sell management (or its stock) short
Big Brother Was Listening
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Real Networks' online-jukebox software turns out to be not buggy but bugged
Block That Cold!
(Personal Time / Your Health)
A new zinc nasal spray may curtail your sniffles, but hand washing is still your best defense
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Katayone Adeli
(People To Watch)
First-Term Report
(Time Select / Families)
We're deep into the fall semester. So how's it going? And what can you do to help your children get the most out of their education? experiences for students and parents
Sit Right, Study Hard
(Time Select / Families)
College Abroad
(Time Select / Families)
It's a great education at a reasonable cost. And a degree from a foreign university has great cachet
Electronic Allowances
(Time Select / Families)
New websites and tough legislation make room for the next generation of e-shoppers: your kids
Dangerous Steps
(Time Select / Families)
Was Cinderella right? A new book says stepparents abuse children at a frightening rate
Read the story