Monday, May. 10, 1999


By Harriet Barovick, Hilary Hylton, Lina Lofaro, Tam Gray, David Spitz and Flora Tartakovsky



JESSE JACKSON The Rev. goes to Belgrade and gets POWs back. Slobo's playing chess, but Jesse gets war's only glory

THE FREE LUNCH Court rules that federal officials can still accept gifts. But not that kind of gift, Bill

SIBLING RIVALRY Gov. Jeb Bush makes Florida first state with school vouchers--a George W. agenda item


MARILYN MANSON First he's blamed for Littleton. Then someone sticks a smiley face on his stage. He storms off; riot erupts

MARS Magnetism suggests it's basically like Earth. So why bother going? Tourism predicted to plummet

ARKANSAS '92: Sooey! Finally, some attention '99: Ten state pols indicted