Monday, Mar. 02, 1998
Health Report
By Janice M. Horowitz
BONE UP The drug Fosamax, already shown to restore bone loss in elderly women, can also prevent loss in those just beginning menopause. Researchers say it's nearly as effective as estrogen-replacement therapy.
SALUBRIOUS SAWDUST Food and supplements containing psyllium, a soluble fiber made of psyllium-seed husks, can lower total cholesterol as well as LDL (bad) cholesterol--so much so that the FDA will allow labels to say it.
BABY AIDS For developing countries where AIDS is rampant but funds scarce: a short, cheap course of AZT (one month, $80) can cut in half AIDS transmission from infected pregnant moms to kids.
Sources: New England Journal of Medicine; Food & Drug Administration; Centers for Disease Control
NO CHEERS HERE Women, watch what you drink. The largest report yet on the link between breast cancer and drinking finds that the risk of breast cancer rises 9% with every 10 grams of alcohol consumed daily. That comes to about one glass of beer, wine or spirits.
GRIT YOUR TEETH Dental plaque, believe it or not, may be linked to heart disease. How? Animals injected with a bacterium found in plaque develop blood clots--a major cause of heart attacks.
ORAL ALERT Viral infections--including HIV--can be transmitted by oral sex, concludes a review of the data. The partner whose mouth is in contact appears most at risk.
Sources: JAMA; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Sexually Transmitted Infections
--By Janice M. Horowitz