Monday, Jun. 19, 1995
"What will archaeologists in the year A.D. 5000 uncover when all that is known about us is stored on a microscopic computer chip?" Walter C. Strickland Cerro Gordo, North Carolina
The story on the discovery of a burial place that may hold 50 sons of Egypt's powerful pharaoh Ramesses II [COVER STORY, May 29] was comprehensive and well illustrated. Whether Ramesses was "Moses' nemesis,'' however, is still widely debated, and it is misleading to accept this as fact. The problem with dating and therefore identifying the several pharaohs during the rise of the Hebrew people in Egypt and their subsequent bondage and exodus lies not with the Egyptian records but with those from Palestine. Regardless of whether it is supported by tangible evidence, the Israelite exodus from Egypt was undoubtedly the beginning of liberation of political thought. And whether it occurred in the time of Ramesses, Egypt was still its birthplace, and mankind has yet to witness its death.
Ramesses earned his modern title "the Great.'' His accomplishments are consistent with the biblical record. But only recent, rather glamorous discoveries about him encourage Ramesses' supporters to claim for him all the glorious histories of his ancestors, as Ramesses widely appropriated their temples and statues by merely putting his name in place of theirs. CLAUDE THOMPSON Dallas
The condition in which the tomb of the sons of Ramesses II was found is typical of the vandalism inflicted on Egyptian antiquities not only by local grave robbers but also by the early English and French plunderers who called themselves archaeologists. Don't look for the face missing from the statue of Osiris in the rubble of the room where the statue stands. It was probably stolen a hundred years ago. CHARLES E. HOGAN Hazelwood, Missouri
What will archaeologists in the year A.D. 5000 uncover when all that is known about us is stored on a microscopic computer chip? You noted that the Egyptian records don't even mention the empire's dealings with the Israelites. One reference was written in the fifth year of the reign of Merneptah, Ramesses II's son and successor, commemorating his victory over the Libyans. It confirms the crossing of the paths of the Israelites and the Egyptians. Perhaps if archaeologists dig a little deeper, they will find Moses' swaddling clothes, and the historical debates will finally end. WALTER C. STRICKLAND Cerro Gordo, North Carolina
The prospect of more, revealing information to come out of the lower reaches of Tomb 5, where the new discoveries have been made, is no doubt very exciting, but one cannot help wondering whether this will merely add to our already considerable store of facts about ancient Egyptian life or will finally lead to a better understanding of the chronology of events in that ancient past. DICK GAGEL Peterculter, Scotland
We too often tolerate breaches of the past that are disguised as accumulating knowledge. Remains of yesterday stand as unique testimonies to times gone by. Our purpose should be to preserve, hold sacred and respect what is left of the past while letting it fascinate us and excite our imagination. M. MCDOWELL Edinburgh
My grandfather was the mayor of Needles, California, for 18 years, and my mother grew up there. Your story on the life-style of drifters who live in motels [SOCIETY, May 29] used the town as one example of a place where many down-on-their-luck people can be found. I'm tired of Needles bashers. Needles is the Velveteen Rabbit of citydom. It has a proud heritage that reaches far back. The first ferries, then bridges over the Colorado River at Needles allowed the Golden State of California to become what it is today. General George Patton camped his troops in the Needles valley during World War II. Eleanor Roosevelt stopped and spent the night in Needles on a cross-country bus trip. The Needles economy was booming, with the railroad employing hundreds who enjoyed fine schools, an opera and, yes, even a cathouse on the outskirts of town. And now you kick her while she is down. The county in which Needles is situated has sent those who require low-income housing her way. How can the local economy survive when more than 50% of its population is on welfare? Perfect soup to brew the likes of Timothy McVeigh and other militia types. So don't blame Needles for the ills she suffers. It is not her fault. BARBIE JOHNSTON FREEMAN Palm Desert, California
Our community consists of 6,000 ordinary people who have respect for God, the nation and our families. None of the unfortunate individuals who have resided temporarily or passed through this town had anything at all to do with the Oklahoma incident. Associating those who are homeless, despondent and trapped in their own personal turmoil with the machinations of paramilitary organizations serves only to promote paranoia and hysteria. We in Needles will try to understand the Oklahoma tragedy and ignore the outrageous connection you have made. LEON BERGER, City Manager Needles, California
From a public-health perspective, the efforts to contain the Ebola virus in Zaire [MEDICINE, May 29] must be viewed with deep concern. While we can be assured that the outbreak will be contained, we are facing hard political choices concerning the U.S.'s foreign-aid programs, many of which are aimed at controlling and eliminating disease. We need to recognize the link between the health of Americans and the programs we fund abroad. This is not the time to eliminate foreign-assistance programs. At present, less than 1% of the budget goes to foreign aid. If Congress cuts this small amount further, we will reverse the slim gains we have made, with consequences that will be felt for generations. FRANK J. LOSTUMBO, President National Council for International Health Washington
The National Rifle Association may have newfound strength [THE N.R.A, May 29], but its membership roster will not include me. I was just as offended as former President Bush by the organization. The egregious fund-raising letter from N.R.A. executive vice president Wayne LaPierre is as chilling to the sense of the Second Amendment as it is to the lives of law-enforcement personnel throughout the nation. For an N.R.A. official to call officers "jackbooted government thugs" is repugnant. My resignation means one less member whose dues will be available for use by such unprincipled people as LaPierre. RICHARD L. JUDD Police Commissioner New Britain, Connecticut
Why is the N.R.A. being demonized for its criticism of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms? Many other organizations condemn the government, but we hear nothing about them. Just because the N.R.A. is a pro-gun lobbying group, liberals find it evil. As a police officer, I fully support and appreciate what the N.R.A. does. Many of its activities are pro-police. I know many fellow police officers and law-abiding citizens who enjoy hunting and target practice. But media reports would have one think all gun owners are evil, hatemongering individuals -- just because we own firearms and believe in the Bill of Rights. MICHAEL J. SULLA Park Ridge, Illinois
If organizations like the N.R.A. and other powerful groups, including the media with their recently acquired electronic capabilities, had existed at the time of our forefathers, I am sure there would have been many sections added to the Constitution, particularly in the area of freedom of speech. There are a lot of ways to mislead the innocent public. If the Founding Fathers could see how a few macho types have tried to take advantage of their humble service to mankind, I wonder if they would be angry with themselves for leaving some loopholes in the Constitution. GERTRUDE PERERA New York City
The U.S. has about 40,000 firearms-related deaths a year, the highest in the world. Not bad for a country that has less than 5% of the globe's population. For this we can thank the "old" N.R.A. And now we have to contend with the venom and hate of the "new" N.R.A. OLLE I. ELGERD Gainesville, Florida
The N.R.A. is not a rogue organization. It is made up of law-abiding sportsmen and women who respect firearms and use them with caution. I consider gun-control legislation ineffective and irrelevant as a way of solving the real problem. Ordinary people buy guns for protection against criminals. The best way to get guns off the street is to get criminals off the street. CHARLES F. GIESWEIN Silver Spring, Maryland
Your article on U.S. air force safety and charges of cover-ups in crash probes, "Way,Way Off in the Wild Blue Yonder" [THE MILITARY, May 29], was right on. In 1986, when I was stationed at Washington State's Fairchild Air Force Base, a KC-135A aircraft crashed. As in the case of the June 1994 crash you described, this plane was practicing for an air show. The casualties might have been far greater than the six who were killed: the plane crashed into a field surrounded on three sides by maintenance buildings, near liquid oxygen-service areas and directly across from the base's main shopping facility, which was filled with people. The Air Force must seriously re-evaluate its safety rules for air-show activities. Too many good pilots have been killed over the years practicing for them. A great many accidents could be prevented by prohibiting dangerous maneuvers for air shows. Men and women of the military should not have to die for our enjoyment. BRENDAN D. GABIS Toronto
Although your reporting is usually balanced, your article "Soap Operas: the Old and the Desperate" [TELEVISION, May 29] was pretentious and snide. The mainstream press never takes soaps seriously. Yes, they have their share of feeble story lines and poor acting, and they suffer from a decline in ratings. If you measure the best of prime-time television and movies against the best of daytime soap operas, however, soaps win by a landslide. JOHN L. JONES New York City
We find it appalling that days of Our Lives has lowered its standards by using the theme of demonic possession to attract new viewers. As Days fans, we refuse to watch the show until it cleans up its act. Why not portray real-life issues instead of devil possession? What kind of impression will this leave on children and young-adult viewers who are out of school for the summer? LISA CASEY AND ANITA MORRIS Clarksville, Arkansas