Vol. 145 No. 2
Desperately Seeking a Flab-Fighting Formula
Fat Times What health craze?
Thanks to too much food and too little sweat, Americans are heavier than ever
And Don't Forget "Plucky" Finland
Battle of the Moms
Budget Slices
Dauphin of The Week
Inside Washington
It's My Party, and I'll Raise Big Bucks If I Want To
It's Gotta Be the Boots
Map 104th
Congress Special: Who Gives to PBS
Master of the House
In a flurry of festivity and legislative reform, Newt Gingrich ascends and Washington becomes a town with two bosses
They Make Great Mobiles Too
Or Else!
The Week January 1-7
Vox Pop
Death Trap
The Chechnya war is a bloody mess -- politically and militarily -- with no good exit in sight
The Perils of the Peso
Zedillo is not the only politician who needs his economic rescue plan to work: so does Bill Clinton
Why It All Went So Very Wrong
How Russia humiliated itself with inept generals, slapdash plans, bad tactics and demoralized troops
The Story in Our Genes
A landmark global study flattens The Bell Curve, proving that racial differences are only skin deep
Fear in the Land
The latest abortion-clinic killings -- and the support for them -- inspire new anxiety on both sides
Will They Blow the Men Down?
As the trials begin, the first all-female team sets out to capture the macho America's Cup
A Mighty Morphing
TVs, PCs and Telephones Are Turning into Each Other Faster Than You Can Say Digital Convergence
Snowballs in Cyberspace
With a modem and a soldering iron, you too can build an Internet site that is really cool and totally useless
Dividing Line Deal with the Devil
Not Fit for a King !
A dustup over the King memorial site raises questions about his family's stewardship of his legacy
The Political Interest
A Poverty of Compassion
The Public Eye
Muzzle the B Word
Magazine contents JANUARY 16, 1995 VOL. 145 NO. 2
Guilty, Innocent, Guilty
Despite having argued that the prisoner didn't commit the crime, Texas carries out his execution
Cool Hand Luke At 70
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Paul Newman's glamour falsifies the agreeable Nobody's Fool
Falsettos and Falsies
(Arts & Media / MUSIC)
The all-male troupe La Gran Scena skewers classics to show that loving opera and laughing at it are one and the same
Network Crazy!
(Arts & Media / TELEVISION)
It's so hot even Hollywood wants a piece of the TV business; here come Paramount and Warner
Red Sunset
(Arts & Media / THEATER)
Tony Kushner treats the Soviet collapse as vaudeville
Seduced and Abandoned
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Irish writer William Trevor brings freshness to an old story
Versatile Monomaniac
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
When Thomas Hardy's latest biographer stops squabbling with other writers, he properly emphasizes his subject's poetry
The Case Against the States