Vol. 144 No. 24
A Terrible Beauty
An obsessive focus on show-ring looks is crippling, sometimes fatally, America's purebred dogs
Forewarned Is Forearmed
Health Report
Just Wondering
Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Rampant Inflation
Now Showing
Poorly Treated Guest of the Week
The Once and Future Hillary
(The White House)
Belying rumors of self-doubt, the First Lady reappears, unapologetic and as feisty as ever
The Really Big Chill
The Week November 27-December 3
Time on Capitol Hill Gatt and You
Winners & Losers
A Letter From Sarajevo
One Thousand Days of Solitude
Allied in Failure
Western impotence over Bihac is the culmination of two years of ineffectual wrangling among Washington, its European partners and the U.N.
Fire in the Caucasus
Yeltsin's ultimatum to breakaway Chechnya prompts fears of a homegrown Afghanistan war
Getting the Hang of It
Despite huge problems, a newly molded Aristide has given his country what it never had before: hope
The Power of American Magic
Who Can Tell What Washington Wants?
Chin Music
Doctors warn that relentless blows to the head may be giving football players lasting brain damage
The Storm Over Orphanages
Terror on the Internet
A pair of electronic mail bombings underscores the fragility of the world's largest computer network
Public Eye Female Chauvinist Pigs?
The Political Interest
Reinventing Bill Clinton
Contents Page DECEMBER 12, 1994 -- VOL. 144 NO. 24
Masthead December 12, 1994 -- Vol. 144 No. 24
Going Up, Up in Arms
To buttress industry at home and policy abroad, the U.S. becomes the arms merchant to the world
No Pain, Just Gain
(On The Money)
Born Again
(The Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Years after Prince suppressed it, his fabled Black Album appears
Flack Attack
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
A political novel finds the humor in going negative
Frank & Co.
(The Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Duets II pairs Sinatra with wannabes and some winners
Funny Girl
(The Arts & Media / CINEMA)
How does a Dorothy Parker biopic manage to be witless?
Hurricane Camille Blows Again
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Camille Paglia's latest collection is a scrapbook -- a book of her scraps with those stodgy old feminists -- and one blistering read
I Like New York in Yule
(The Arts & Media / SHOW BUSINESS)
With Rockettes, stores and Scrooges, Manhattan evokes the ghosts of Christmas past
Something to Sing About
(The Arts & Media / THEATER)
A very traditional British cast finds rapture in As You Like It
The Shock of the Old
(The Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Conducting an orchestra playing original instruments, John Eliot Gardiner finds the revolutionary in Beethoven
Tim At the Top
(The Arts & Media / SHOW BUSINESS)
With a No. 1 movie, a No. 1 TV show and a No. 1 book, Tim Allen is having an unbeatable year
Wild Child or Wise Woman?
(The Arts & Media / CINEMA)
In Nell, Jodie Foster gives a fierce, beautiful performance as someone who grew up in isolation and speaks her own dialect
To Our Readers
Bob Dole's Bosnia Folly