Monday, Oct. 11, 1993
Down in the Upper Chamber
Kay Bailey Hutchison (Rep.-Texas) and David Durenberger (Rep.-Minn.) are the only Senators under indictment right now, but they aren't the only ones under a cloud. Let's see: two, plus the five below, plus the four members of the Keating Five still around -- that's 11% of the Senate!
SENATOR Bob Packwood (Rep.-Ore.)
The Senate Ethics Committee is investigating charges that Packwood harassed many of his female employees and that he used his Senate staff to intimidate and discredit the alleged victims.
SENATOR Daniel Inouye (Dem.-Hawaii)
The Ethics Committee investigated charges of sexual harassment but concluded that it could take no action because the alleged victims refused to cooperate + with the investigation.
SENATOR Orrin Hatch (Rep.-Utah)
The Ethics Committee is examining contacts between Hatch's office and B.C.C.I.
SENATOR Judd Gregg (Rep.-N.H.)
Lacking a certain empathy, Gregg sued a woman who had agreed to buy some real estate from him but changed her mind after she found she had liver cancer. The case was recently settled out of court.
SENATOR Phil Gramm (Rep.-Texas)
Common Cause has urged the Ethics Committee to reopen its investigation of potential conflict of interest in Gramm's dealings with a real estate developer who built a vacation house for him.