Monday, Jun. 28, 1993

Hands Have No Tears to Flow, but Presidents Do

* President Clinton began to cry last week after introducing his Supreme Court nominee, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and hearing her speak abouut her mother. It wasn't the first time.

"Mrs. Davis burst into tears as she told the governor about not having enough money for food after paying for her prescription drugs. Mr. Clinton dropped to his knees, teary-eyed himself, and hugged and consoled her." -- DALLAS MORNING NEWS Nov. 5, 1992

" 'The people of America will learn . . . that they can trust Mack McLarty to bring the real concerns of real people to the table,' said Mr. Clinton, his eyes watery with tears as he introduced his friend to the nation." -- NEW YORK TIMES, December 13, 1992

"((When Clinton announced Madeline Albright's nomination to be ambassador to the U.N., her comments about her father, a Czech diplomat who sought asylum in the U.S.)) "brought tears to Mr. Clinton's eyes." -- DALLAS MORNING NEWS, December 23, 1992

"As the congregation ((at Little Rock's Immanuel Baptist Church)) sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic, Clinton repeatedly wiped tears from his eyes." -- LOS ANGELES TIMES Jan. 11, 1993

"Last week, the president-elect described the last days in his home state as an emotional roller coaster ride. At times, he said, he was overcome with tears for no apparent reason . . ." -- HOUSTON CHRONICLE, Jan. 17, 1993

"Tears filled Mr. Clinton's eyes as he listened to hymns at an interfaith service inside Washington's Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church." --INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, Jan. 21, 1993

"((A woman told him)) that she had voted for him even though her pilot husband had been killed in Vietnam War. Clinton, with tears in his eyes, she remembers, gave her a hug. . ." LOS ANGELES TIMES, Jan. 29, 1993

"((The father of a boy killed by robbers)) asked Clinton what could be done to curb violence. . . Clinton's eyes welled almost to tears." CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, Feb. 12, 1993

"When a young boy from Louisiana told Clinton that his 10-year-old brother died because of a brain tumor that may have been caused by pollution . . . Clinton's eyes seemed to redden with tears." -- HOUSTON CHRONICLE, Feb. 21, 1993

"Clinton spoke haltingly, seemingly moved to tears, when he talked of secretly jogging . . . to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial . . ." -- WASHINGTON TIMES, May 30, 1993

, "Shaken, somber, near tears - those were the words used to describe Clinton as he met the press after the session with ((Lani)) Guinier." -- PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, June 5, 1993