Monday, Apr. 26, 1993



A Maryland firm that offers tax advice has run ads that warn DON'T BE ZOED -- As in Zoe Baird, the nominee for Attorney General, forced to withdraw partly because of tax problems. Here's a lexicon of other names we hope will find their way into English.

Buttafuocum: n Any tawdry matter explored so thoroughly that further discussion of it inspires disgust. ("Princess Di, the Woody-Mia trial . . . I tell you, there's nothing but buttafuocum on TV tonight.")

Cuomostasis: n The state of desperately wanting a job but being unable or unwilling to go through the process of actually seeking it. ("If it weren't for cuomostasis, Bill Bradley would be President.")

Rodhamize: vb -ized; To begin using your maiden name again as soon as you can get away with it. ("Dan, I'm rodhamizing. I'm going to be Marilyn Tucker Quayle.")