Vol. 141 No. 2
(Cover Story)
A Lame Duck Soars High
(The Week: Nation)
One More Time On Somalia, the Balkans and nukes, Bush starts a fast-paced closing act
End of The Affair?
(The Week: Nation)
Signals conflict on whether Walsh will call a halt to his Iran-contra probe
Et Cetera Freedom Flight
(The Week: Nation)
Et Cetera Hunt Down
(The Week: Nation)
The Last Rights
(The Week: Nation)
The Justice Department begins enforcing the Disabilities Act
Chilly Scenes of Winter
(The Week World)
As freezing cold claims lives in Bosnia, the political heat rises
Collor Out, Franco In
(The Week World)
An unrepentant President departs, claiming a political lynching
Curious George
(The Week World)
No quiet on the Somalian front even as Bush touches down
Fruits of Socialism
(The Week World)
Half A Victory
(The Week World)
Kenya's first multiparty election in 26 years brings only more uncertainty
Iraqi Miscalculation
(The Week World)
Saddam Hussein's planes lose a vain challenge to the no-fly zone
Out with a Bang
Bush's eleventh-hour flurry of foreign policy activity bequeaths Clinton a complex agenda of unfinished business
Outcast, Isolated and Running Out of Time
(The Week World)
The deported Palestinians remain stranded, with no help in sight
Victims Or Victors?
(Middle East)
Palestinian fundamentalists may be out in the cold in Lebanon, but they have become the force to be reckoned with in the occupied territories
Warlord Country
In a hostile land without government, the real problem is whether the rival clans can find a way to resolve their long-standing quarrels without reaching for rifles
Crime Without Punishment
(The Balkans)
The U.S. has charged Yugoslav leaders with atrocities in Bosnia, but the criminals may never be brought to justice. Does the West have the will to follow through?
The Most Wanted Particle
After a 15-year search, the elusive but extremely heavy top quark may have been found
Bark with A Bite
(The Week Health & Science)
Taxol, a drug derived from tree bark, is approved to treat ovarian cancer
Et Cetera Coals to Newcastle
(The Week Health & Science)
Et Cetera So Long, Nobel
(The Week Health & Science)
The Math Gap That Won't Go Away
(The Week Health & Science)
After a decade of concern, American youngsters still lag behind Asians
Et Cetera More Than a Game
(The Week: Society)
Home Alone 2 1/2: The Real Thing
(The Week: Society)
You saw the movies; now you can read the arrest record
Kross Out: the Sequel
(The Week: Society)
Christmas in Cincinnati is haunted by the Ghost of Hatred Present
The Devil's Disciple
Westley Dodd may die at the end of a rope, but he leaves behind a controversial law against sex offenders
Trigger Happy
(The Week: Society)
A Seattle rap concert spawns a frightening shoot-out
Clinton's People "An Instinct for The Important"
SANDY BERGER brings Carter-era ideals tempered by pragmatism to the new foreign policy team
Time Magazine Contents Page January 11, 1993 Vol. 141 No. 2
Time Magazine Masthead January 11, 1993 Vol. 141 No. 2
Et Cetera It Ain't Over Yet
(The Week: Business)
Running On Empty
Japan's once thriving automakers now face sagging domestic demand, stagnant overseas markets and inflated costs
The Great Green Christmas of 1992
(The Week: Business)
Retailers report a rewarding holiday season as shoppers shout "Charge!"
Burden Of Turow
(Reviews Books)
Getting On A New Train
(Reviews Music)
(Reviews Television)
Short Takes
Stiff Upper Libido
(Reviews Cinema)
The Masterpiece Road Show
An exhibit of ancient Greek sculpture is used to advance a specious political argument
Three rival Amy Fisher movies prove that some folks will do anything for love -- or money
Laureate of The Wild
Novelist, naturalist and activist, Peter Matthiessen pursues an austere spiritual quest in his life as well as in his writing
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Won't Somebody Do Something Silly?