Vol. 140 No. 21
The Second Reformation
(Cover Story)
Admission to the priesthood is just one issue as feminism rapidly emerges as the most vexing thorn for Christianity
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
Bait and Switch
File Under Fired
(The Week: Nation)
A search for dirt on Perot and Clinton costs an official her job
Forward Spin
He's Running
If Drafted, She Cannot Serve
No Fire This Time
(The Week: Nation)
Detroit keeps calm after a black motorist is killed by police
Out, and In Uniform
(The Week: Nation)
A Navy sailor fights the military's ban on gays and gets his post back
Pack Some Good Books
Pamela Harriman's Ax
Science's Big Shift
Researchers are used to doing what they please. But in the Clinton era, more government money will flow toward work that attacks society's problems.
Sure, Reviving the Economy and Bringing Peace to The
Middle East will be important. But that's not all that counts. It's the Little Things . . .
The More Things Change . . .
What Balanced Budget?
Who's in A Hurry? Not Bill Clinton . . . Yet
(The Week: Nation)
The President-elect drops some hints on policy but takes time with names
Cross Fire
(The Week World)
Colombia is caught in a squeeze between guerrillas and traffickers
Day Of Broken Dreams
(The Week World)
Germany's political fringe disrupts a massive plea for tolerance
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
New Thinking
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
Those Left Behind
Extraordinary Stories
(The Week World)
Government coaching on the Iraq embargo reddens faces in Whitehall
Foreigners, Go Home!
Racist youths have taken their violent hatred into the streets. Stopping the rise of neo-Nazi fervor will require that Germany grapple with the economic and social breakdown in the east.
Serving Two Masters
(The Week World)
A Cuban exile in Miami says he worked both sides of the street
Trade War? Or Trade Peace?
(The Week World)
Any E.C. deal that satisfies the U.S. might mean isolating France
And Now, Robodoc!
(The Week Health & Science)
In a medical first, a robot in California performs invasive surgery
Any Way You Slice It
(The Week Health & Science)
A leading researcher unsheathes a new weapon in the fight against AIDS
Perfect Pitch
(The Week Health & Science)
Scientists discover a parasitic fly with an unusual ear for cricket songs
Where There's Smoke
Following America's lead, Europeans and Asians join the war on smoking
Highway Through Hell
(The Week: Society)
Gangs turn a Florida interstate into a mobile killing zone
Risky Business
(The Week: Society)
Stay by the Bay
(The Week: Society)
Baseball's owners veto the San Francisco Giants' move to Florida
The Pulpit Barrier
(The Week: Society)
The Church of England admits women priests, but Anglicans will remain split
There Goes The Judge
(The Week: Society)
The distinguished career of New York State's chief jurist ends in disgrace
When Kids Kill Abusive Parents
Once seen as evil or ill, these desperate youngsters are gaining new sympathy
Chips Ahoy!
America's semiconductor industry, nearly given up for lost, is making an electrifying comeback
America Abroad
Why They Backed Bush
Clinton's People
(The Transition)
A Faithful Friend And Confidant Clinton's best buddy, BRUCE LINDSEY works quietly at the Governor's side to make sure he gets the best information and makes the right decisions
Clinton's People
(The Transition)
Clinton's Economic Idea Man Since their Oxford days, ROBERT REICH has been teaching economics to his friend
How Much Can He Do?
(The Transition)
As Clinton tries to rebuild the economy, he faces challenges that are global in scope -- and to which there are no easy answers.
The Political Interest
Building a World-Class Team
Time Magazine Contents Page
November 23. 1992 Vol. 140 No. 21
Time Magazine Masthead
November 23. 1992 Vol. 140 No. 21
Air Wars
As the global dogfight heats up, American carriers protest a British Airways plan for the latest transatlantic merger
Fixing The Bottom Line
(The Week: Business)
Japan's Matsushita agrees to a new, maybe trendsetting, U.S. tax formula
Ford Heirs
(The Week: Business)
Here Comes Santa
(The Week: Business)
After three tough years, U.S. retailers are dreaming of a greener Christmas
The Grapes of Wrath
Who's right in the squabble over a hill of beans that threatens to triple the price of Chablis and unleash a global trade war?
Whose Airlines Are They, Anyway?
(The Week: Business)
Air Canada rescues Continental, as U.S. carriers protest a British plan
. . . And One With Vanity
(Reviews Books)
A Vampire With Heart . . .
(Reviews Cinema)
Can Anybody Work This Thing?
New gadgets keep arriving to try to cure VCR illiteracy. The latest lets people simply talk to their machine.
Celebrating Gay Anger
(Reviews Theater)
Score Another For Americans
(Reviews Opera)
Short Takes
Soul with A British Accent
Transatlantic musicians like Mick Hucknall, Lisa Stansfield and Seal revitalize an American pop invention -- and in some cases make it better
That Sinking Feeling
(Reviews Music)
The Elevation of MALCOLM X
A much hyped film turns a complex militant's life into an overlong, tepid primer for black pride
Words with Spike
Making Malcolm X, says director Spike Lee, was a way to bring the slain leader's message to a new generation
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Election Day
Fraud On Television