Vol. 138 No. 22
A Slump By Any Other Name
A Trade Imbalance in Soccer Stars
American Notes B.C.C.I.
The Ones That Got Away
American Notes Smog
Pollution Tests On the Run
American Notes the Boardroom
A Chairman At Large
American Notes the Senate
The Keating None
At Least Someone Has a Plan
Dead Communists Tell No Tales
Diplomacy A Man for All Nations
Outmaneuvering the U.S., the Africans put one of their own at the helm of the world forum for the first time
Don't Ask Where the Scenery Went
He's Got a Calling After All
Immigration Tragedy on the High Seas
The Coast Guard's attempts to stem a new surge of Haitian immigrants ignite a debate over political asylum
Make Room for Daddy
Middle East The Sweet Taste of Freedom
Two more hostages return, but questions swirl about Terry Waite's links to U.S. arms-for-hostages dealings
Scandals The Cruelest Kind of Fraud
A fertility doctor is charged with using his position of power and trust to secretly father his clients' children
The White House Nervous and Nasty
Bush's feckless efforts to have it both ways on civil rights and the economy have plunged his Administration into disarray
When You Lie Down with Dons . . .
World Notes Brazil
Fending Off The World
World Notes Indonesia
Shootings In the Dark
World Notes Somalia
The Battle of Mogadishu
World Notes Soviet Union
Same Place, New Times
A Living Hell
A Time of Agony for Japanese Americans
(Pearl Harbor)
Interning 120,000 in desolate camps, the U.S. "put a yoke of disloyalty" on them
Fleeing The Past?
(Pearl Harbor)
Fifty years later, Pearl Harbor still colors relations between the U.S. and a Japan that has yet to come to terms with its history
Part 1 Day of Infamy
(Pearl Harbor)
A half-century ago, Japan launched its surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and the world has never been the same since
Part 2 Down but Not Out
(Pearl Harbor)
Against all odds, as Japan marched to one overwhelming triumph after another, the U.S. scored a memorable victory
Part 3 War in Europe
(Pearl Harbor)
As Japan and the U.S. square off in the Pacific, a nightmare descends on the Continent
Remembrance "As If We Were in a Tornado"
(Pearl Harbor)
Remembrance "I'Ll Never Forget. Never."
(Pearl Harbor)
Remembrance "I Was Far from Confident"
(Pearl Harbor)
Remembrance "It Must Be a War Game"
(Pearl Harbor)
Remembrance "O.K., Gruel Is Good"
(Pearl Harbor)
Remembrance "That Was Our Heyday"
(Pearl Harbor)
Remembrance "Things That Weren't There"
(Pearl Harbor)
Remembrance "Worries Crept over Me"
(Pearl Harbor)
Tb Takes a Deadly Turn
Doctors thought tuberculosis was under control. But now a drug-resistant strain is on the loose.
Want A Shot of Sunshine?
A new drug can tan the skin indoors, but don't throw out the Coppertone
Time Magazine contents page
Vol. 138 No. 22 DECEMBER 2, 1991
A Brassy New Golden Oldie
Batteries Not Included
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Full Service
Out Front
Michael Jackson's new album bares heart and soul
Play It Yet Again, Lucy
Why is TV recycling its history more exhaustively than ever? Are the endless reruns better, or just different?
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)