Monday, Jul. 29, 1991

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The segment of Naked Hollywood that U.S. viewers will not see features producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, who created such blockbusters as Beverly Hills Cop and Top Gun. Paramount Pictures, where the duo worked until last fall, refused to grant permission to air clips from their movies -- clips that constitute a hefty portion of the episode. The studio claims it was acceding to Simpson and Bruckheimer's demand; they deny it. Producer Nicolas Kent says he is "mystified" at why the pair would be unhappy with the show and is appalled at Paramount's position. Says he of the studio: "What they're defending is censorship."

The profile of Simpson and Bruckheimer is not flattering, but hardly devastating. Although portrayed as busybodies on the set (Top Gun director Tony Scott recounts how they pressured him to make co-star Kelly McGillis look less "whorish"), their main sin is fuzzy-minded self-importance. After calling themselves a "right brain-left brain" team, they trade sappy compliments. Simpson on Bruckheimer: "He is uncommonly smart ((and has)) the ability to hold the entire equation of moviemaking in his mind at one time." Bruckheimer on Simpson: "Don is very intelligent . . . He's a real big- picture guy." Uh-huh. Which one was the right brain again?