Vol. 137 No. 22
American Notes
CRIME A Sad Day for Detroit's Finest
American Notes
DEFENSE Is the B-2 Bombing?
American Notes
EDUCATION Cracking the Ivy Cartel
American Notes
HISTORY A Real Yankee Doodler
Diplomacy: No Quick Fixes in Sight
U.S. dreams of helping build a new Middle East order are frustrated by the realities of a troubled and troubling region
Friends In High Places
Horns for The Highest Bidders
It's Undiplomatic, But I Meant It
Speak No Evil
The Golden State's Bid For Electoral Primacy
The Presidency "The Greatest Eclipse"
Treaties: From Yukon to Yucatan
Congress authorizes Bush to negotiate a U.S.-Mexico free-trade pact that would create a $6 trillion market, but critics fear lost jobs and environmental woes
Trump: The Art Of the Threat
America Abroad
What Good Friends Are For
Ethiopia: Few Tears for The Tyrant
As Mengistu flees, Israel rescues the Falashas
India: Death's Return Visit
A horrific assassination claims India's most famous son, leaving the nation to ponder a future of growing violence and division
South Korea: The Tale Behind a Suicide
Chun Se Yong was only 19 years old when he set himself afire as a protest against his nation's government
Soviet Union: Who's That Man With the Tin Cup?
It's Mikhail Gorbachev, accomplished master of the delicate balancing act, who is making his biggest play yet for Western aid to help bail out his embattled perestroika
The Next Generation
World Notes
ANGOLA Military Leave
World Notes
GERMANY No Exit for Ex-Leaders
World Notes
ROMANIA No Longer For Sale
World Notes
SOUTH AFRICA Arms Control, Zulu-Style
Can Lawns Be Justified?
Awash in fertilizers and pesticides, they may be a hazard to homeowners -- and children, pets and neighbors
Look Who's Going Green
U.S. utilities, with the help of enlightened regulators, are finding ways to do good by selling less
Aids Moves in Many Ways
Headlines about tainted transplants and infected dentists stir public anxiety, but there is no cause for panic
Can A Man Be Raped?
Cheating on The Tests
The controversial practice known as race norming was probably doing minorities more long-term harm than good
Cover Stories Behavior: When Is It RAPE?
He was a classmate, a co-worker or a date. He says she wanted it. She calls it a crime. A battle of the sexes rages over drawing the line.
The Clamor on Campus
Date rape is one crime that colleges are finding too hot to handle but impossible to ignore
What If a Wife Says No?
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 137 No. 22 JUNE 3, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 137 No. 22 JUNE 3, 1991
When Kids Do the Testing
For the best bet in peanut butter or the word on the wasteful packaging of fast food, check out Zillions
Business Notes
DESIGN This Chair Stacks Up
Business Notes
EDUCATION Adam Smith And Emily Post
Business Notes
MARKETS Buying Time
Business Notes
PRODUCE In Guatemala, Small Is Best
Investments: Is Your Pension Safe?
Most are sound. But that is no comfort to retirees who are finding that after a lifetime of hard work, the check is not in the mail.
Retailing Wet Seals and Whale Songs
Despite the recession in retailing, a market niche is where you make it
The Ultimate Horror Show
A court hearing pits First Amendment rights against the fear of an electronic return to the rite of public execution
Fresh Voices Above the Noisy Din
New works by four Chinese-American writers splendidly illustrate the frustrations, humor and eternal wonder of the immigrant's life
God Comes to Dinner
(Show Business)
Hollywood Goes to Heaven
(Show Business)
Filmmakers are haunting theaters with a horde of afterlife movies. Is it a search for the Almighty, or just the almighty buck?
Play It Again, Sampler
A revolutionary device turns pop on its ear by enabling musicians to beg, borrow and steal sounds from all over
The Second Triumph of Amy Tan
An Ethical Guru
Monitors Morality Lobbyists once handed out $10,000 checks on the floor of the state senate. Now former Congresswoman BARBARA JORDAN is trying to clean up Texas government.
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
For Better Care Try Snob Appeal