Vol. 137 No. 18
. . . And New Noise from Nixon
American Notes
HONORS Better Late Than Never
American Notes
POLLUTION Contaminated Cargo
American Notes
SPORTS Dropping The Ball
American Notes
WASHINGTON Gunfight on Capitol Hill
Everybody Loves A Winner
Is This Plane Necessary?
The Air Force is set to launch the costliest procurement program ever, with or without a debate on its merits
Just Kidding, Folks!
On A Slippery Slope
White House chief of staff John Sununu has long played close to the edge in ethical matters. This time he may have slid over it.
Secrets From the J.F.K. Years
Special (Agent) Delivery
Vox Pop
Welcome The Unknown Soldier
A few thoughts from the conquering general before his escape to some well-deserved peace and quiet with his family -- and a new career
Who Stabbed Sununu?
When a man makes this many enemies, almost everyone in Washington has a motive for trying to topple him
You Just Keep Me Hanging On
Diplomacy: Postcards from an Edgy Trip
Jim Baker discovers plenty of listeners but few takers as he tries to peddle peace in the Middle East
Iran A Revolution Loses Its Zeal
Faced with a population tired of hardship, Khomeini's successor signals his desire to soften some Islamic strictures and attract more foreign investment
Iraq's Other Refugees
Refugees: A Kiss Before Dying?
Saddam and the Kurds go through the motions of peace, but the Iraqi leader still has to prove that he can be trusted
Soviet Union: Why Are These Men Smiling?
By winning Yeltsin's support for a new union treaty, Gorbachev buys time -- but it could cost him six of the 15 Soviet republics
World Notes
BRITAIN Poleaxing the Poll Tax
World Notes
FRANCE Whine of the Century?
World Notes
GERMANY Helmut Gets Clobbered
World Notes
VIETNAM Uncle Sam's Present
Great Balls of Carbon
It looks as though you could play soccer with it, but a newly discovered sphere may lead to novel materials, even medicines
Death in The Time of Cholera
As many as 6 million people, most of them very poor, may fall ill and 40,000 of them could die because an easily treatable disease is raging out of control in Latin America
Unmasking A Stealthy Cancer
A simple blood test can boost the detection of prostate tumors
Atlantic City, New Jersey Chasing the Super Red Sevens
(American Scene)
Gambling tournaments get the reels rolling and the bells clanging as slot-machine madness takes over at Trump Castle
Mind Games with Monsters
The FBI's behavioral-science unit draws detailed portraits of killers by focusing on how they commit their crimes
Tarting Up The Gray Lady Of 43rd Street
Readers and staffers wonder: Can the New York Times be both naughty and nice?
When God Was a Woman
Worshipers of Mother Earth are part of a Goddess resurgence
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 137, No. 18 MAY 6, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 137, No. 18 MAY 6, 1991
Business Notes
CONSUMER CREDIT Take My Card -- Please
Business Notes
Business Notes
RETAILING Sterling Advice
Business Notes
WAR DAMAGES The Dunning of Saddam Begins
The Acquisitor Strikes Again
KKR agrees to buy nine periodicals and part of a bank
Trump Trips Up
Bedeviled by debt, the developer divvies up his empire with his bankers
Whose Company Is This?
Shareholders hate it when a corporation gives them a piddling return but pays the CEO lavishly. At ITT, some are rebelling.
A Children's Haven of Healing
Failing To Make the Grade
Making A Life After AIDS
HALFWAY HOME by Paul Monette
Who Does Madonna Wanna Be?
In her new movie, the answer is superstar and den mother
Why Golden Voices Fade
Restraint is the key to a long reign at the top
The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power
(Special Report)
Ruined lives. Lost fortunes. Federal crimes. Scientology poses as a religion but is really a ruthless global scam -- and aiming for the mainstream.
Mining Money in Vancouver
(Special Report)
The Scientologists and Me
(Special Report)
From the Managing Editor
(From The Managing Editor)
Two Centuries of New World Orders