Monday, Apr. 01, 1991

Time Magazine Contents Page


NATION: Law and disorder on the beat

Patrolling the mean streets can be a dangerous and dehumanizing task for * police officers. Drawing the line between necessary force and deliberate brutality is perhaps the toughest part of the job. -- Community-policing programs are putting cops back on the sidewalk.


BUSINESS: Deceit pervaded an audacious global bank that touched Jimmy Carter and Manuel Noriega, among others.


IDEAS: A troubling number of teachers regard America's history as racist, sexist and classist.

10 Critics' Voices

15 Grapevine

34 World

60 Law

61 Environment

61 Milestones

64 Medicine

65 Science

69 Press

72 Show Business

73 Video

79 Music

80 Sport

81 People

82 Essay

Cover: Photograph by Mark Peterson -- J.B. Pictures