Monday, Feb. 11, 1991

A Betty Grable For the '90s

By Guy Garcia

She is armed and dangerous, but her knockout potential is also aesthetic. Meet . the gulf war's first pinup girl: Jackie Guibord, 28, a statuesque mother of two who wields a shotgun and sports a trim pair of jeans in a current Wrangler advertisement. Operation Desert Storm's answer to Betty Grable is actually a Provo, Utah, police officer who moonlights as a model. Her unofficial fan club began when a few Utah reservists took copies of the ad to the gulf. Before long other servicemen started tearing the photo out of magazines and pinning it up in tents, bunkers and just about every Marine military-police station in Saudi Arabia. Says Guibord: "If I can be a temporary diversion for our boys overseas, I'm flattered." Spoken like a real trooper.

With reporting by Sidney Urquhart