Vol. 136 No. 24
A Losing Battle
Despite billions of dollars and more than a million arrests, the war on drugs has barely dented addiction or violent crime
American Notes BOSTON
Double Standard?
American Notes COLORADO
Score One For the Trout
American Notes EDUCATION
Hair-Raising Punishment
American Notes NEW MEXICO
Lapse of Taste
American Notes TRIALS
Hitting the Pause Button
Bill Bennett's Firm Friends
Croesus Seal of Approval
Dial 1-800-Kurd
Dubious Juror of the Week
Hollywood's Hot Holiday Season
Meanwhile, In Latin America
With whole economies at stake, the drug war rages on
Paint It Black Award
Spooky S&L Stories
Thanksgiving in The Desert
Setting out on a month of nonstop travel, Bush journeys to the Persian Gulf to eat -- and talk -- turkey with the troops
The Fling of a High Roller
Living a ghetto dream, Bo Bennett rode the coke trade from poverty to riches -- and into prison
The Man for the Job?
The President
Dewey Achievement Award
Welcome To Americaland
A Legacy of Revolution
Thatcher radically transformed her country in ways that rank her with Churchill as this century's greatest Prime Minister
Are Sanctions Working?
"It Is Time to Go"
Facing a Tory revolt, Thatcher steps aside. Now her successor must attempt to match her considerable influence at home and abroad.
Europe The Bills Come Due
After a year of freedom, Eastern Europe realizes that toppling statues of Stalin and Lenin is easier than erecting stable democracies and free markets
Faces of The Future
Soviet Union Give Us Our Daily Bread
Consumers face a hungry winter as supplies run short and state food production and distribution turn to crumbs
Syria Siding with the U.S.
Sheriff Bucking mounting doubts at home, Hafez Assad continues to ride in the American-led posse against Iraq
The Gulf It's All in the Wording
The U.S. cajoles its allies to pass a U.N. resolution permitting military action against Saddam, but the language remains debatable
World Notes EAST-WEST
Beware the Love-Sick Tank
Fight Today, Talk Tomorrow
World Notes FRANCE
Survival Politics
World Notes ISRAEL
Pigheaded Protest
Is There Life After Lee?
Literary Guides to Turning Green
To respect nature, people need a whole new way of thinking
Cold Shoulder for a Burn "Cure"
A touted Chinese treatment earns mostly skepticism in the U.S.
The Fish Tank On the Farm
Make way for dwarf halibut, tunge sole and blue lobster
Farmington, New Mexico Caught Between Earth and Sky
(American Scene)
Nearing its 15th anniversary, a unique Navajo prep school may have to close its doors for lack of funds and a place to call home
Is The Country in a Depression?
When the economy slumps, so does the national psyche
What Tune Does the Utne Play?
A jingle of success, as the counterculture's version of Reader's Digest follows baby boomers onto Easy Street
Making Up with the Jesuits
The Pope gives a new assignment to his church's famed order
The (Surprise!)Game of the Year
The 49ers and the Giants are the N.F.L. matchup to watch
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 136, No. 24 DECEMBER 3, 1990
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 136, No. 24 DECEMBER 3, 1990
A Stiff Term for the Wizard
By sentencing Milken to 10 years in prison, a judge sends a message that aims to deter white-collar crime
At The End of Milken's Junk-Food Chain
Business Notes AUTOS
Lemon Busters
Business Notes BANKRUPTCY
Laventhol's Number Is Up
Business Notes BEVERAGES
The Screw Cap Gave It Away
TRADE GATT's Last Chance
Scrooge Goes To the Mall
As consumers balk, anxious retailers confront a potentially disastrous Christmas sales season
Grad Work for The War Zone
Harvard molds administrators for the toughest school jobs
A Spectacle for Thinking Adults
(Show Business)
Two ex-Olympians head a hip, athletic ice show without Smurfs
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Fans, You Know It's True
Milli Vanilli lose a Grammy for not singing, but have lots to say
Hot Red
No Liberals Need Apply Here
In monthly meetings and a just-published anthology, the Vile Body's young conservatives take the measure of yuppiedom
The Great Massacre of 1990
As auction prices plunge, overhyped contemporary works are hit the hardest
Tragedy Is Their Destination
Bertolucci makes a bleak, beautiful film of The Sheltering Sky
Prospects Of War, Psychology of Oil
Former Saudi Oil Minister AHMED ZAKI YAMANI says Saddam Hussein and the Gulf crisis will forever change the world petroleum game
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Kidnapping The Brainchildren