Vol. 133 No. 12
American Notes BOSTON
"I Am an Alcoholic"
American Notes DENVER
Gun Control at The Altar
American Notes HAWAII
Lindbergh's Uneasy Rest
American Notes VIRGINIA
An "Ill Wind" Picks Up Speed
Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary
(American Ideas)
A Swamp Makes Waste To Be Sweet Again Professors Allen and Gearheart design a wetlands as a natural sewage-treatment plant
Bombs Across the Ocean?
An explosion in San Diego suggests Iranian retaliation
On The Second Shot, a Straight Arrow
Rude Awakening
For all his experience and energy, the President is stumbling as his free-lance style leads to government by "ad-hocracy"
Saying No to Lee Atwater
Howard students derail the G.O.P. campaign for black support
Spying And Sabotage by Computer
The U.S. and its adversaries are tapping data bases -- and spreading viruses
The Re-Greening of America
A new wave of Irish immigrants is showing its muscle
America Abroad
Real Weapons, High Hopes
East-West Let's Count Down
The superpowers want to shrink conventional arms, but don't agree how
El Salvador Revolt Under the Coconut Palms
F.M.L.N. rebels prepare for their boldest assault since1981
Greece "No Mud Touches Me"
After allegations he took payoffs, Papandreou fights back
Hostages The Lost Life Of Terry Anderson
The American journalist is beginning his fifth year in captivity somewhere in the bowels of Beirut, a coin for a cruel human barter that no one has been able to redeem
Poland Out of the Political Desert
The opposition gains leverage
The Man Who Holds the Hostages
Stalled at the Gates of Glory
World Notes EGYPT
Odious Transactions
Glasnost's Better Half?
World Notes TIBET
Chafing Under The Yoke
The Gene Hunt
Scientists launch a $3 billion project to map the chromosomes and decipher the complete instructions for making a human being
The Perils of Treading on Heredity
Uncontrolled tampering with DNA could stir up a host of ethical dilemmas
Snuffed Sniffles
Is a cold remedy in sight?
When Less May Be More
A heart study finds drugs as effective as invasive methods
Fashion Without Frontiers
Two top Italian designers defect to France
Evangelism And All That Jazz
Take 6 puts Seventh-day Adventism on the charts
Dreaming The Big Dreams
One-handed Jim Abbott shines at spring training
A Dreamer Who Is Fuzzy About the Details
With a new show at MOMA, Steven Holl's influence grows
A Letter From the Editor-In-chief:
Magazine contents page Vol. 133 No. 12 MARCH 20, 1989
Magazine masthead Vol. 133 No. 12 MARCH 20, 1989
A Deal Heard Round the World
Faced with growing global competition in the information and entertainment industries, Time and Warner join forces to form a communications giant
Business Notes JAPAN
The Scandal Will Not Die
Business Notes PRODUCTS
What's in A Name?
Business Notes PROMOTIONS
Rockin', Rollin' And Dialin'
Business Notes SOFTWARE
A $175 Million Bottleneck
Eastern Goes Bust
Crippled by a walkout, Lorenzo throws the airline into bankruptcy
Enter The Brady Plan
Washington unveils a new program to ease Third World debt
Black by Popular Demand
African-American colleges enjoy a welcome renaissance
A Fable for Postmoderns
A Nightmare Without Force
Critics' Choice
(Critics' Choice)
Fatal Schism
Funky Funk
Long Haul
My Father the Communist
Putting A Brake on TV "Sleaze"
Advertisers are growing wary of shows that might offend
Way Stations
One Bear Of a Soviet Politician
Bumped from power by conservatives, BORIS YELTSIN is campaigning hard to avenge that "mugging" and improve on Gorbachev's reforms