Monday, Jan. 09, 1989

Business Notes RECYCLING

, Of all the plastic garbage around, the most notorious is polystyrene foam. Besides helping clog landfills, some kinds of foam contain chlorofluorocarbons, which seep into the atmosphere and deplete the ozone layer. But this month two companies that have already removed CFCs from their production process -- Mobil Chemical, a subsidiary of the oil company, and Genpak, a food-packaging manufacturer -- will open the first plant in the U.S. to recycle polystyrene foam.

Called Plastics Again, the $4 million venture in Leominster, Mass., will clean up and break down used hamburger containers, insulated cups and cafeteria trays. The foam will be turned into plastic resin that can be formed into such new items as flowerpots, wall insulation and coat hangers. In its first year the plant is expected to recycle about 3 million lbs. of foam, or 8% of the state's annual consumption.